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Отображение результатов 2248 до 2267 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016Equipment design for storage and display of educational projectsShtremel, A. A.; Davydova, Eugenia Mikhailovna; Didenko, Anastasiya Vladimirovna
2016Equipment for the Production of Wood-Polymeric Thermal Insulation MaterialsSaldaev, Vladimir; Prosvirnikov, Dmitry; Stepanov, Vladislav; Sadrtdinov, Almaz; Kapustin, Aleksey Nikolaevich
2020Equipping excavators with distance sensors to pipelinesRybin, Alexander
2016Erarbeitung des Automatisierungssystems der Technischen kontrolle der Elektrischen Energie am beispiel des VerteilungsobjektesBabeewa, Т. S.; Kostomarow, Petr Iwanowitzsch
2016Erasmus Mundus as academic mobility program for studentsBurtsev, S. A.
2014Erforschung von biokompatiblen und korrosionsbestandigen Beschichtungen, die auf Titanlegierung Vt6 durch Elektroerosivemetallbearbeitung aufgetragen werdenPavlenko, A. M.; Vinokurov, V. A.
2016ERP-системы как инструмент управления бизнесомКаменская, К. Ю.
2017ERP-системы. Преимущества и недостаткиЮрьев, В. И.; Болошко, С. В.
2016Error reduction in gamma-spectrometric measurements of nuclear materials enrichmentZaplatkina, D.; Semenov, Aleksey Sergeevich; Tarasova, Ekaterina Sergeevna; Zakusilov, Vladislav Vladimirovich; Kuznetsov, Mikhail Sergeyevich
2016Errors in Determining the Thermal Characteristics of Liquids by the Laser-Pulse MethodKats, Mark Davydovich; Kats, Iljya Markovich
2017The errors when determining the thermophysical characteristics of liquids by the laser flash methodKats, Mark Davydovich; Kats, Iljya Markovich
2023ESG-трансформация как фактор гуманизации экономического ростаШатова, Мария Николаевна
2017The essence of social epistemologyBakanova, E. A.; Moiseeva, Agnessa Petrovna; Zeremskaya, Yuliya Aleksandrovna
2023Essentials of implementing backward design method in teaching physics 1.3 in Tomsk Polytechnic UniversitySamiru Alhassan
2016Establishment of a strategy of circular economy increasing the well-being of society: comparison of two national policiesKalioujny, Boris; Ermushko, Zhanna Alexandrovna; Zhavoronok, Anastasiya Valerievna
2016Estimates of Two-Phase Flow Parameters in the Cyclone ChamberRazva, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Vasilevsky, Mikhail Viktorovich; Pleshco, Alice; Asan, Alibek
2017Estimating Accuracy of Experimentally Obtained Power System Zip Load ModelsPankratov, Aleksey Vladimirovich; Kopylov, Igor; Tavlintsev, Alexander; Kondrashov, Mikhail; Li Wang
2015Estimating gold-ore mineralization potential within Topolninsk ore field (Gorny Altai)Timkin, Timothy Vasilyevich; Voroshilov, Valery Gavrilovich; Асканакова, Ольга Юрьевна; Cherkasova, Tamara Yurievna; Chernyshov, A.; Korotchenko, Tatiana Valerievna
2015Estimating the cutting force when skiving with a radius cutterFilippov, Andrey Vladimirovich; Filippova, E. O.
2006Estimation of adaptable abilities of children of the early neonatal period with the help of integral criterion on the basis of intellectual biomedical systemGerget, Olga Mikhailovna