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Отображение результатов 2384 до 2403 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of water mist automated fire extinguishing systems for oil transportationGlushkov, Dmitry Olegovich; Nyashina, Galina Sergeevna; Strizhak, Pavel Alexandrovich; Volkov, Roman Sergeevich
2016Experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of water mist fires suppression system on oil transportation facilitiesNyashina, Galina Sergeevna; Glushkov, Dmitry Olegovich
2016Experimental Evaluation the Effectiveness of Water Mist Fire Extinguishing Systems at Oil and Gas IndustryNyashina, Galina Sergeevna; Medvedev, Valery Vasilievich; Shevyrev, Sergey Anatolievich; Vysokomornaya, Olga Valeryevna
2015Experimental facility control system for optical studies in the frame of problem solving of brain hematoma diagnosticsNovoseltseva, A.; Aristov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Timchenko, K.
2018Experimental Investigation of Combustion of Aqueous Fuel Compositions Based on Peat, Coal Slimes and Coal DustShlegel, N. E.; Vershinina, Kseniya Yurievna; Strizhak, Pavel Alexandrovich
2015Experimental Investigation of Droplet Evaporation of Suspension Based on Water with Subsurface Admixtures in a Flame AreaDmitrienko, Margarita Aleksandrovna; Vysokomornaya, Olga Valeryevna; Jean Claude Legros; Shcherbinina, Anastasiya Anatolievna
2016Experimental Investigation of Droplet Evaporation of Water with Ground Admixtures while Motion in a Flame of Liquid FuelDmitrienko, Margarita Aleksandrovna; Nyashina, Galina Sergeevna; Zhdanova, Alena Olegovna; Vysokomornaya, Olga Valeryevna
2016Experimental investigation of resistance to particles impact of coatings on the basis of Al-Si-N systemRybalko, Evgeniay; Bozhko, Irina; Ivanova, Anna; Kalashnikov, Mark; Fedorischeva, Marina; Sergeev, Viktor; Hristenko, Yurii
2015Experimental Investigation of the Contact Angle at Wetting the Non-ferrous MetalsFeoktistov, Dmitriy Vladimirovich; Orlova, Evgeniya Georgievna; Ponomarev, Konstantin Olegovich
2017Experimental investigation of the processes of dehumidification of coniferous biomassBulba, Elena Evgenievna; Ivanova, Natalya
2015Experimental Learning of Foreign Language with the Socio-cultural Skills Development Method by Means of Modern Internet TechnologiesZabrodina, Irina Konstantinovna; Bogdanova, Anna Gennadievna; Bogdanova, Olga; Lilenko, Irina; Richter, Stefanie
2014Experimental modeling of the flow of oil-water emulsion with polymers additivesLegrand, M. C.
2017Experimental modelling of evaporation and boiling processes in a two-phase thermosyphonPonomarev, Konstantin Olegovich; Siddharth Raj Gupta; Orlova, Evgeniya Georgievna; Feoktistov, Dmitriy Vladimirovich
2016Experimental Observation of the Temperature at the Liquid/Gas InterfaceVelicanov, V. D.; Orlova, Evgeniya Georgievna; Saigash, Anastasiya Sergeevna; Korneva, Olga Sergeevna
2016An Experimental Procedure to Estimate Lifetime of Water Drop with Graphite Inclusion under Intensive Vaporization with Explosive BreakupLegro, Zhan Klod Chislan; Gumerov, Vladislav; Piskunov, Maksim Vladimirovich
2015Experimental research conception of thin liquid film boiling and evaporationFeoktistov, Dmitriy Vladimirovich; Orlova, Evgeniya Georgievna; Velicanov, Victor
2016Experimental Research Into Generation of Acoustic Emission Signals in the Process of Friction of Hadfield Steel Single CrystalsLychagin, Dmitry Vasilievich; Filippov, Andrey Vladimirovich; Novitskaia, O. S.; Kolubaev, Evgeny Aleksandrovich; Sizova, O. V.
2018Experimental research of double-sided solar modules efficiency In the climatic conditions of central KazakhstanYurchenko, Aleksey V.; Yugay, Vyacheslav V.; Neshina, Yelena G.
2015Experimental research of drilling mud influence on mud motor mechanical rubber componentsEpikhin, Anton Vladimirovich; Ushakov, A. V.; Barztaikin, V. V.; Melnikov, V. V.; Ulyanova, Oksana Sergeevna
2018Experimental research of floor's heating in rooms with radiant heating systemsUshakov, Vasily Yakovlevich; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich; Voloshko, I. V.