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Отображение результатов 2769 до 2788 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016Geochemical groundwater peculiarities of Paleogene sediments in S-E Western Siberia artesian basinBalobanenko, A. A.; L'gotin, V.; Dutova, Ekaterina Matveevna; Pokrovsky, D. S.; Nikitenkov, Aleksey Nikolaevich; Raduk, I. V.
2016Geochemical peculiarities of nitric thermal waters in Jiangxi Province (SE-China)Sun, Z.; Shvartsev, Stepan Lvovich; Tokarenko, Olga Grigorievna; Zippa, E. V.; Gao, B.
2016Geochemical peculiarities of soils in Tomsk areas of industrial enterprises locationsZhornyak, Lina Vladimirovna; Osipova, Nina Aleksandrovna; Yazikov, Yegor (Egor) Grigoryevich; Demidova, Karina Evgenjevna; Osipov, Konstantin Yurjevich
2007Geochemical zonality of skarn-gold deposites of the Western SiberiaVoroshilov, V. G.
2007Geochemical zoning of skarn-golden-ore deposits of the Western SiberiaVoroshilov, V. G.
2015The geochemistry of underground water of East KamchatkaEfstifeeva, A. S.
2017Geodeics on the coset spaces as a dynamical realization of l-conformal Galilei algebraChernyavsky, Dmitry Viktorovich
2016Geoecological assessment of mercury load in the impacted area of the thermal power plant of SeverskLyapina, Elena Evgenievna; Talovskaya, Anna Valerievna; Shakhova, Tatiana Sergeevna; Parygina, Irina Alekseevna
2015Geoecological problems of coal industry (on the example of Kemerovo region)Nikonova, E. D.
2020Geological and geophysical conditions for localization of oil and gas deposits at the Severnoe field (Western Siberia)Bazylev, M. M.
2019Geological and structural conditions and composition of the gold-silver ores of the Upper Bryantinsky ore clasterVilgelm, E. A.
2018Geological realism control in the process of oil and gas field models automatic history matchingIbatullin, R. K.; Ivantsov, A. A.
2017Geological structure and future developments of Ust-Tym depressionMilke, А. А.
2017Geological-geochemical and mineralogical features of basalt for the production of different product rangeSattorov, Kh. L.; Egamov, F. A.
2016Geological-hydrogeochemical characteristics of a "silver spring" water source (the Lozovy ridge)Ivanova, Irina Sergeevna; Bragin, I. V.; Chelnokov, G. A.; Bushkareva, K. Yu.; Shvagrukova, E. V.
2016Geology, geochemistry and gold-ore potential assessment within Akimov ore-bearing zone (the Altai Territory)Timkin, Timothy Vasilyevich; Voroshilov, Valery Gavrilovich; Yanchenko, O.; Suslov, J.; Korotchenko, Tatiana Valerievna
2015Geophysical characteristics and structural composition of clay rocks in the terrigenous complex of the southeastern part of the West Siberian oil and gas bearing proEzhova, Aleksandra Viktorovna; Nedolivko, Nataliya Mikhailovna
2017Geophysical characteristics of Bazhenov formation in eastern part of Tomsk regionShakirov, A. B.
2022Geophysical explorations by resistivity and induced polarization methods for the copper deposit, South Khorasan, IranШирази, Адель; Хезархани, Ардешир; Ширази, Ареф; Тимкин, Тимофей Васильевич; Ворошилов, Валерий Гаврилович; Shirazy, Adel; Hezarkhani, Ardeshir; Shirazy, Aref; Timkin, Timothy Vasilyevich; Voroshilov, Valery Gavrilovich
2020Geostatistical and Remote Sensing Studies to Identify High Metallogenic Potential Regions in the Kivi Area of IranShirazy, Adel; Ziaii, Mansur Madzhid; Hezarkhani, Ardeshir; Timkin, Timothy Vasilyevich