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Отображение результатов 3616 до 3635 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2007Investigation of influence of electromagnetic field on electrochemical behaviour of heavy metal ions in the presence of butanolStas, I. Е.; Ivinina, Т. S.
2007Investigation of initiation conditions of relative displacements of the fault-block media units under vibration loadingAstafurov, S. V.; Shilko, E. V.; Psakhie, S. G.
2016Investigation of Input Signal Curve Effect on Formed Pulse of Hydraulic-Powered Pulse MachineNovoseltseva, Maria Viktorovna; Masson, I. A.; Pashkov, Evgeny Nikolaevich
2014Investigation of Iron-based Nanoparticles Action by Solid-phase VoltammetryDubova, Nadezhda Mikhailovna; Slepchenko, Galina Borisovna; Ho Shi Lin; Maksymchuk, Irina Olegovna
2007Investigation of isotopic composition of plasmachemical conversion products of sulfur hexafluorideSazonov, R. V.; Pushkarev, A. I.; Sosnovskiy, S. A.
2016Investigation of Lamb wave ultrasonic technique for non-destructive evaluation of aluminum alloys / Исследование ультразвуковой методики для контроля алюминиевых сплавов с использованием волн ЛэмбаШах, Ронак Тушар -
2016Investigation of laser heated spots on the surface of carbon steelLobankova, Olga Vladimirovna; Zykov, Iliya Yurievich; Melnikov, Alexander Grigorievich
2020Investigation of localized surface plasmon resonance of nanoparticles with various shapeAverkiev, Andrey
2021Investigation of Magneto-/Radio-Metric Behavior in Order to Identify an Estimator Model Using K-Means Clustering and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (Iron Ore Deposit, Yazd, IRAN)Shirazy, Adel; Hezarkhani, Ardeshir; Timkin, Timothy Vasilyevich; Shirazi, Aref
2015Investigation of Massive Catalyst based on Molybdenum Disulphide by Simultaneous Thermal Analysis and Mass Spectrometry MethodsAkimov, A. S.; Morosov, M. A.; Fedushchak, T. A.; Uyimin, M. A.; Vosmerikov, A. V.; Zhuravkov, Sergey Petrovich; Lysenko, Elena Nikolaevna
2015Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Polyimide- Polyethyl-eneterephthalate SystemKupchishin, А. I.; Taipova, B. G.; Lisitsyn, Viktor Mikhailovich; Kupchishin, A. A.; Voronova, N. A.; Kirdiashkin, V. I.
2019Investigation of modified plasmon nanoparticles for theranosticsapplicationAverkiev, Andrey
2014Investigation of natural mineral waters of Choigan complex (Eastern Tyva)Shestakova, Anastasiya Viktorovna
2016Investigation of oxidation process of mechanically activated ultrafine iron powdersLysenko, Elena Nikolaevna; Nikolaev, Evgeny Vladimirovich; Vlasov, Vitaliy Anatolievich; Zhuravkov, Sergey Petrovich
2023Investigation of plasma chemical process of synthesis of fuel oxide compositions from water-organic nitrate solutions of uranium, plutonium, and magnesiumShcherbina, D. S.
2021Investigation of plasmachemical synthesis of nanosized oxide compounds for plutonium-thorium dispersion nuclear fuelTikhonov, Alexey Evgenievich; Novoselov, Ivan Yurievich
2007Investigation of preparative possibilities of iodinating systems on the basis of N-iodoacetamideChaykovskiy, V. K.; Funk, A. A.; Martynyuk, O. A.; Kets, T. S.; Filimonov, Viktor Dmitrievich
2019Investigation of proeprties of hybrid CFRP/SWCNTcompsitesBurkov, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Eremin, Alexandr Vyacheslavovich
2019Investigation of pulse shape neutron-gamma discriminationAvetisyan, R. V.; Avagyan, R. H.; Avetisyan, A. E.; Gyurjinyan, A. V.; Barseghyan, A. G.; Kerobyan, I. A.; Manukyan, A. A.
2014Investigation of radiation by Geiger- Muller counting tubeMalyanova, M. S.; Balastov, Aleksey Vladimirovich