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Отображение результатов 4261 до 4280 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Methods for karst hazard forecast and pipeline protection in South YakutiaStrokova, Ludmila Aleksandrovna; Teterin, E. A.
2016Methods for radiation and cological research of building lands and analysisRyzhakova, Nadezhda Kirillovna; Shilova, Kseniya; Udalov, Andrey; Lemza, Ekaterina
2016Methods for recycling of solid precipitateMaykova, S. A.
2019Methods for the formation of foreign language lexical competence of software development students by means of mobile technologiesSidorov, Vladislav
2015Methods having influence on combustion in the mode of self-propagating high-temperature synthesisZakusilov, V.; Pimenov, N.
2017Methods of Automatic Face Angle Recognition for Life Support and Safety SystemsNebaba, Stepan Gennadievich; Zakharova, Alena Alexandrovna; Sidorenko, Tatiana Valerievna; Viitman, Viktor Robertovich
2016Methods of contact stresses measurement over surfaces of a cutterKozlov, Victor Nikolayevich; Zhang, J.; Cui, J.; Bogoljubova (Bogolyubova), Mariya Nikitichna
2023Methods of critical heat flux prediction in subcooled water flow in VVER-1200 fuel rodsOdii Christopher J.
2017Methods of desalination at nuclear power plantZhdanova, V.
2014Methods of determining the content of pollutants in the combustion products of plasma water and organic compositions of the reactor portable gas analyzer "Quintox" KM9106Tyudelekov, E. A.
2017Methods of energy system statical stability improvementTsydenov, E. A.; Chimrov, A. V.; Zeremskaya, Yuliya Aleksandrovna
2016Methods of estimating the interdisciplinary competencies of a developer of intelligent power lines design systemsMaksimova, E. I.; Ardashkin, Igor Borisovich
2022Methods of Forecasting Electric Energy Consumption: A Literature ReviewKlyuev, Roman Vladimirovich; Morgoev, Ibrek Dzhabrailovich; Morgoeva, Anzhelika Dzhabrailovna; Gavrina, Oksana Alekseevna; Martyushev, Nikita Vladimirovich; Efremenkov (Ephremenkov), Egor Alekseevich; Tsi Mensyuy
2015Methods of Internet Self-EducationEnbekov, T. S.; Permikin, A. A.
2014Methods of mechanical grinding and dispersion analysis of solidsInozemtsev, S. V.; Malik, A. A.
2015Methods of noninvasive electrophysiological heart examination basing on solution of inverse problem of electrocardiographyGrigoriev, Mikhail Georgievich; Babich, L.
2020Methods of physical protection of aquatories and air space of a nuclear facilityShcheglova, E. A.; Sukhanov, E. A.; Selivanikova, Olga Valerievna
2017Methods of radiation and environmental studies of build-up areas and their analysisRyzhakova (Rizhakova), Nadezhda Kirillovna; Shilova, K. O.; Udalov, А. А.; Demyanenko, Natalia Vladimirovna
2016Methods of recovering energy systemTsydenov, Evgeny; Zeremskaya, Yuliya Aleksandrovna
2017Methods of reducing power losses in distribution systemsWilms, Yakov; Fedorovich, Sergey; Kachalov, Nikolay Aleksandrovich