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Отображение результатов 921 до 940 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019Citizen science in smart citiesArevalo Leon, F. E.
2016Civilizational deadlock of the economy of growthAlatartseva, Elena; Matthews, Robin
2016The classification and comparative analysis of the methods available for developing the financial strategy of a companyKalinina, Ksenia
2015Classification of geokhod units and systems based on product cost analysis and estimation for a prototype model productionAksenov, V. V.; Valter, Aleksandr Viktorovich; Gordeyev, A. A.; Kosovets, A. V.
2015Classification of logistics innovationSidorenko, A.; Sirazitdinova, Yuliya Shamilyevna; Marugina, Nadezhda Ivanovna; Сидоренко, А.; Сиразитдинова, Юлия Шамильевна; Маругина, Надежда Ивановна
2019Classification of Vegetation to Estimate Forest Fire Danger Using Landsat 8 Images: Case StudyYankovich, Kseniya Stanislavovna; Yankovich, Elena Petrovna; Baranovskiy, Nikolay Viktorovich
2016The Classification of Weld Seam Defects for Quantitative Analysis by means of Ultrasonic TestingSalchak, Yana Alekseevna; Tverdokhlebova, T.; Sharavina, Svatlana Viktorovna; Lider, Andrey Markovich
2016Classifications of bog peat sensitivity to anthropogenic impact (Western Siberia)Kramarenko, Violetta Valentinovna; Matveenko, Irina Alekseevna; Nikitenkov, Aleksey Nikolaevich; Molokov, Viktor Yurievich; Khoroshko, A. P.
2020Clay Minerals and Detrital Material in Paleocene–Eocene Biogenic Siliceous Rocks (Sw Western Siberia): Implications for Volcanic and Depositional Environment RecordSmirnov, Pavel; Deryagina, Oksana; Afanasjeva, Nadezhda; Rudmin, Maksim Andreevich; Gursky, Hans Jurgen
2016Clay swelling of Quaternary and Paleogene deposits in the south-eastern flanks of West Siberian iron ore basinKramarenko, Violetta Valentinovna; Shinawi, A. El.; Matveenko, Irina Alekseevna; Shramok, A. A.
2015Clean and efficient extraction of copper ions and deposition as metalElsentriecy, Hassan; Jalbout, Abraham; Gervasio, Dominic
2018Cleaning and sputtering using planar acoustoplasma magnetronAbrahamyan, A. S.; Mkrtchyan, A. H.; Nalbandyan, V. V.; Hovhannisyan, N. T.; Chilingaryan, R. Yu.; Hakobyan, A. S.; Mossoyan, P. H.
2017Cleaning of niobium surface by plasma of diffuse discharge at atmospheric pressureTarasenko, Victor Fedotovich; Erofeev, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Shulepov, Mikhail A.; Ripenko, V. S.
2014Cleanup of Water Surface from Oil Spills Using Natural Sorbent MaterialsRotar, Olga Vasilievna; Iskrizhitskaya, D. V.; Iskrizhitsky, A. A.; Oreshina, A. A.
2017The clearance control system of the lever-hinge mechanism of the mine winder braking device using the capacitive sensorsYurchenko, Aleksey Vasilievich; Mekhtiyev, Ali; Bulatbaev, F. N.; Neshina, Y. G.; Alkina, A. D.; Kokkoz, M. M.
2017Clinical Significance of Sentinel Lymph Node Detection in Patients with Invasive Cervical CancerSinilkin, Ivan Gennadjevich; Chernov, Vladimir Ivanovich; Lyapunov, A. Yu.; Medvedeva, Anna Aleksndrovna; Zeltchan, R. V.; Chernyshova, A. L.; Kolomiets, L. A.; Bragina, Olga Dmitrievna
2018Clinical trials of a personal electrocardiographBoyakhchyan, А.; Lezhnina, Inna Alekseevna; Overchuk, K.; Perchatkin, V.; Lvova, A.; Alexander, U.
2017Clone: different interpretations of the termYusubova, Zyliya; Zeremskaya, Yuliya Aleksandrovna
2017Clustering as a component of economic institutional reforms (on the example of Siberian region)Klimovich, Maria
2014Clusters as a basic of improving the economic competitivenessDementeva, E. E.; Дементьева, Е. Е.