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Отображение результатов 2740 до 2759 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Gender Metaphors in Russian and English Linguocultures: A Comparative StudyRezanova, Zoya Ivanovna; Khlebnikova, Anastasia Leonidowna
2015Gender-based Restrictions in Tourism: An Example of the Phenomenon of Avaton in the Modern Socio-cultural ExpanseKapilevich, Leonid Vladimirovich; Karvounis, Y. A.
2018General couplings of a vector multiplet in N = 1 supergravity with new FI termsAldabergenov, Yermek; Ketov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Knoops, Rob
2017General topologic environment of the Russian railway networkTikhomirov, A.; Rossodivita, A.; Kinash, N.; Trufanov, A.; Berestneva, Olga Grigorievna
2022Generalised point vortices on a planeGalajinsky, Anton Vladimirovich
2007Generalized static characteristics of electric power subsystems and their steepness factorsGotman, V. I.; Markman, G. Z.
2015Generating electricity in cold regions by using thermoelectric effectSai Kiran Sabavath
2016Generation and Analysis of Wire Rope Digital Radiographic ImagesChakhlov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Anpilogov, P.; Batranin, Andrey Viktorovich; Osipov, Sergey Pavlovich; Zhumabekova, Sh.; Yadrenkin, I.
2016Generation IV reactorsGontov, V. S.
2015Generation of Cherenkov Radiation in Optical Fibers by 6-MEV Electrons. Geometry of Propagation and Light DecayVukolov, Artem Vladimirovich; Novokshonov, Artem Igorevich; Uglov, Sergey Romanovich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich
2019Generation of Monochromatic Radiation from a Multilayer Prismatic TargetNaumenko, Gennadiy Andreevich; Potylitsyn, Alexander Petrovich; Shevelev, Mihail Viktorovich; Shkitov, Dmitriy Andreevich; Popov, K. E.; Vukolov, Artem Vladimirovich
2015Generation of pulsed neutron beam by channeling radiation from relativistic electronsBogdanov, Oleg Viktorovich; Pivovarov, Yuriy Leonidovich; Dabagov, Sultan
2015Generation of Shock-Wave Disturbances at Plasma-Vapor Bubble OscillationKuznetsova, Nataliya Sergeevna; Yudin, Artem Sergeevich; Voitenko, Nikita Valerievich
2018Generation of THz radiation by sequence of ring beams in multilayer dielectric waveguideMukhamedgaliyev, K. R.; Lesiv, N. A.
2015Generation of THz Smith-Purcell Radiation on Femtosecond Electron BeamLekomtsev, Konstantin; Aryshev, Alexander; Shevelev, Mihail Viktorovich; Terunuma, Nobuhiro; Urakawa, Junji
2018Generation of X-rays by electrons recycling through thin internal targets of cyclic acceleratorsKaplin, Valery Viktorovich; Kuznetsov, Sergey Ivanovich; Uglov, Sergey Romanovich
2014Generator analog and digital signalsPopov, Aleksandr Sergeevich
2017Generator of low-temperature plasma for nucleoplastyKorotina, E. A.; Abrosimova, A. S.
2021Genesis of Precious Metal Mineralization in Intrusions of Ultramafic, Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites in the North of the Siberian PlatformSazonov, Anatoly Maksimovich; Romanovsky, Aleksey; Gertner, I. F.; Zvyagina, Elena Aleksandrovna; Krasnova, T. S.; Grinev, O. M.; Siljyanov, S. A.; Kolmakov, Yuriy Viktorovich
2016Genetic Classification of ore-forming processesKucherenko, Igor Vasilyevich; Sinkina, Ekaterina Andreevna; Abramova, Raisa Nikolaevna