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Отображение результатов 3226 до 3245 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Induced polarization effect in reservoir rocks and its modeling based on generalized effective-medium theoryBurtman, Vladimir; Zhdanov, Michael
2007Induction motors improvement for a variable speed driveMuravleva, О.О.; Tyuteva, Polina Vasilievna
2017Inductive voltage divider modeling in MatlabAndreev, Semen Alekseevich; Kim, Valery Lvovich
2015Industrial pollutionFadeev, S. E.
2016Industrial Robot Automation in Solving Non-Vacuum Electron-Beam Welding ProblemsBorovik, Vasiliy; Shatravin, Vladislav; Junusov, Il'jas; Shashev, Dmitri; Kornilov, Sergei; Rempe, Nikolai; Shidlovskiy, Stanislav Viktorovich
2016Inflation, its causes and consequencesBerezan, Elena
2015Influence dispersion the raw powder on the properties of SPS-ceramicsSivkov, Aleksandr Anatolyevich; Gerasimov, Dmitry Yurievich; Evdokimov, Andrey Anatolievich
2014The influence effect of coupling on solid-phase conversion in the plate from composition materials under condition of axial tension and shiftingChumakov, Yuri Aleksandrovich; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna
2017Influence irradiation argon ion SnO[2] on optical and electrical characteristicsAsainov, Oleg Khaydarovich; Umnov, Sergey Pavlovich; Temenkov, V.
2015Influence nanopowder impurities in the raw materials on the parameters of SPS-ceramicsSivkov, Aleksandr Anatolyevich; Gerasimov, Dmitry Yurievich; Evdokimov, Andrey Anatolievich
2016Influence of a high-frequency pulsed nanosecond diffusion discharge in the nitrogen atmosphere on the electrical character istics of a cdhgte epitaxial filmsGrigoryev, Denis; Voitsekhovsii, Alexandr; Korotaev, Alexandr; Lyapunov, Dmitry; Tarasenko, Victor; Shulepov, Michail; Erofeev, Michail; Ripenko, Vasiliiy; Lozovoy, Kirill
2017Influence of a high-frequency pulsed nanosecond diffusion discharge in the nitrogen atmosphere on the electrical characteristics of a CdHgTe epitaxial filmsGrigoryev, D.; Voitsekhovskii, A.; Korotaev, A.; Lyapunov, D.; Lozovoy, K.; Tarasenko, V.; Shulepov, M.; Erofeev, M.; Ripenko, V.; Dvoretskii, S.; Mikhailov, N.
2018Influence of a high-power pulsed ion beam on the mechanical properties of corundum ceramicsKostenko, V.; Pavlov, Sergey Konstantinovich; Nikolaeva, Svetlana Andreevna
2020Influence of a wet wood particle form on the characteristics of its ignition in the high-temperature mediumKuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Syrodoy, Semen Vladimirovich; Gutareva, Nadezhda Yurievna
2015Influence of absorbed energy distribution along beam radius on ignition threshold of condensed explosivesKhaneft, Aleksandr Villivich; Ivanov, G. A.; Duginov, E. V.
2016Influence of Absorption of Thermal Radiation in the Surface Water Film on the Characteristics and Ignition ConditionsSyrodoy, Semen Vladimirovich; Gutareva, Nadezhda Yurievna; Taburchinov, Roman
2014Influence of Adding Ammonium Bifluoride when Leaching Monazite Using Sulphur AcidEgorov, Nikolai Borisovich; Dyachenko, N.; Akimov, Dmitry Vasilievich; Kiselev, Aleksandr Dmitrievich; Obmuch, K.; Chalov, S.
2016The Influence of Ageing Process on the Barium Aluminate Phase CompositionBezmaternykh, Anna Olegovna; Shvalev, Yuri Borisovich; Kudiyarov, Victor Nikolaevich; Gubin, Vladimir Evgenievich; Babikhina (Babihina), Mariya Nikolaevna
2016Influence of air Gap Between the Transformer of Resistance and Object of Monitoring on Temperature Measurement ErrorAtroshenko, Yuliana Konstantinovna; Bychkova, A. A.
2014Influence of ambient media technologies on the city image formationLyubavina, A. G.; Любавина, А. Г.