Browsing by Author Karelin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Obtaining the fine-grained silicon carbide, used in the synthesis of construction ceramics | Karelin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; Strashko, Aleksander Nikolaevich; Sazonov, A. V.; Dubrovin, A. V. |
2014 | Production of solar silicon for manufacturing photoelectric converters as a way to increase the economic potential of the country | Prakht, D. S.; Dzhabbarova, M. F. |
2014 | Synthesis of high-pure titanium concentrates by the electrolytic method from fluoride melts | Sorokina, E. V.; Kovzel, K. O. |
2015 | Titanium powder segregation from electrolyte precipitate | Karelin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; Dubrovin, A. V.; Karelina, N. V. |
2017 | Titanium powder segregation out of cathode deposit of titanium electrolyzers | Karelin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; Strashko, Aleksander Nikolaevich; Sazonov, A. V.; Karelina, N. V. |
2022 | Процессы электростатической сепарации и флотации в обогащении ильменитовых руд из Вьетнама и химическая переработка полученных концентратов | Карелин, Владимир Александрович; Ле Хай Шон; Карелина, Надежда Владимировна; Ле Хуонг Тхи Май; Karelin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; Hai Shawn Le; Karelina, Nadezhda Vladimirovna; Huong Le Thi Mai; Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam academy of Science and Technology, Hoang Quoc Viet street, Cau Giay district, Vietnam |