Browsing by Author Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Activation of Anthracite Combustion Using Pyrolysis Oil from Thermal Conversion of Waste Car TiresLarionov, Kirill Borisovich; Slyusarsky, Konstantin Vitalievich; Tsibulskiy, Svyatoslav Anatolievich; Kaltaev, Albert; Berezikov, Nikolay Igorevich; Gorshkov, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich; Gubin, Vladimir Evgenievich
2017The additive technologies: innovations in nuclear energyVergaskina, M. A.
2017Aerosols formation and alteration simulation in the primary heat carrier circuit of a NPP’s reactor during a hypothetical beyond design conditions accident involving fission products releaseGerdt, S. E.
2022Choose the materials for steam turbines NPPIbrahim Ahmed, Ibrahim Mohamed; Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich
2022Comparison of cooled liquid metallic reactors (sodium and lead)Samy Samy Hamed Mabrouk Khamis
2021Current education programs in Egyptian Russian UniversityMohamed, M. K.
2022Education in ERU and TPU during studying specialist in nuclear power plant design and operationIbrahim, I. M.
2021Egyptian nuclear power plant turbine projectIbrahim, K. R.
2021Features of the implementation of the ERU and TPU double degree programKhamis, S. S.
2015Implementation of Federal Research Projects as a Tool to Enhance the Training Quality of Master's ProgramLarionov, Kirill Borisovich; Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich; Gubin, Vladimir Evgenievich; Kitaev, Artem
2015Increase of Engineering Students Training LevelLavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich; Yankovsky, Stanislav Aleksandrovich; Gubin, Vladimir Evgenievich; Larionov, Kirill Borisovich
2017Increasing the efficiency of the nuclear power plantsGolovina, L. S.
2017Influence of Cu(NO[3])[2] initiation additive in twostage mode conditions of coal pyrolytic decompositionLarionov, Kirill Borisovich; Mishakov, Iljya Vladimirovich; Slyusarsky, Konstantin Vitalievich; Bolgova, Darya; Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich
2022Internship opportunities for international students studying under the nuclear power plants programMohamed Sayed
2022Life after graduation and the difficulties which mabe facedHegazy, M. A. E.
2016Modeling of Thermohydraulic Proceses of Heat Exchange EquipmentSavina, Karina; Abramovskikh, Aleksey Andreevich; Haimin (Khaimin), Vladimir Vitalievich; Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich
2017Modelling of heat transfer process in condensing unit with titanium alloy tubesLavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich; Polikarpov, Pavel; Matveeva, Anastasiya Aleksandrovna; Martyshev, Vladimir Nikolaevich
2017Modernisation of Boiler Unit Automation System at Acting Power StationAbramovskikh, Aleksey Andreevich; Ulyanova, Ulyana Aleksandrovna; Lavrinenko, Sergey Viktorovich; Matveeva, Anastasiya Aleksandrovna; Malishev, Dmitry
2022NPP power unit for the city of Alexandria with a desalting plantHegazy, M. A. E.
2022Nuclear energy in the face of global warmingAli Mohamed Sayed