Просмотр коллекции по группе - По автору Serebrennikova, Olga Viktorovna
Отображение результатов 1 до 5 из 5
Дата публикации | Название | Авторы |
2016 | The Composition of Biologically Active Compounds in Peat from Different Climatic Zones of Western Siberia | Serebrennikova, Olga Viktorovna; Strelnikova, Eugenia; Preis, Yulia; Duchko, Mariya Aleksandrovna; Rousskikh, Irina; Kaduchagov, Petr; Peresedova, Alexandra |
2020 | The Identification of Pollutants in the Ob River Near Oil Production Areas | Russkikh, Irina Vladimirovna; Serebrennikova, Olga Viktorovna; Strelnikova, Evgeniya; Kadychagov, Petr Borisovich; Ivanov, Aleksey Alekseevich |
2015 | Influence of peat formation conditions on the transformation of peat deposit organic matter | Serebrennikova, Olga Viktorovna; Strelnikova, E. B.; Preis, Yu. I.; Duchko, Mariya Aleksandrovna |
2007 | Peculiarities of sludge formation and composition of oil paraffin carbohydrates in the Upper-Salat deposit | Prozorova, I. V.; Serebrennikova, Olga Viktorovna; Loskutova, Yu. V.; Yudina, N. V.; Stakhina, L. D.; Nikolaeva, Т. L. |
2014 | Spatial Distribution of Chemical and Organic Compounds in the Water of Oligotrophic Peatland of Tomsk Region (Western Siberia) | Naymushina, Olga Sergeevna; Shvartsev, Stepan Lvovich; Serebrennikova, Olga Viktorovna; Ses, K.; Matveenko, Irina Alekseevna |