Просмотр коллекции по группе - По автору Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Отображение результатов 1 до 14 из 14
Дата публикации | Название | Авторы |
2015 | The Analysis of Initial Parameters of Steam in the Combined-Cycle Plant with High Temperature Gas Turbine | Uvarov, Artem; Antonova, Aleksandra Mikhailovna; Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich |
2017 | Aspects of calculating the temperature for the graphite stack of the RBMK reactor | Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Antonova, Aleksandra Mikhailovna |
2017 | Calculation of the Thermal State of the Graphite Moderator of the RBMK Reactor | Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Dmitriev, Vitaly; Tkachenko, Ivan; Matveev, Aleksandr Sergeevich |
2022 | Comparative the efficiency analysis of different steam generators types for a power unit with a VVER-700 reactor | Samy, K. S. |
2017 | Computational study of the effect of fuel element geometry on pellets’ maximum temperature | Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Pavlova, Ksenia |
2021 | Design of a power unit of an autonomous nuclear power plant with a VVER-300 reactor | Alsayed, M. O. |
2022 | Justification for the choice of material for condenser tubes for steam turbine plants of nuclear power plants | Khalaf, M. M. |
2021 | Justification of the type of turbin plant for an autnomouse nuclear power plant with a VVER-600 reactor | Attia, H. A. |
2015 | Mathematical modeling of thermal effectiveness of a ternary combined cycle plant | Antonova, Aleksandra Mikhailovna; Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Orlov, A. S. |
2016 | Modeling of Pollutant Dispersion in Atmosphere Based on Software Complex "SKAT" | Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Dutova, Ekaterina Matveevna; Latyshev, Andrey Sergeevich |
2017 | Research of impact of kind resuperheat and structure of system regenerative feed water to thermodynamic efficiency of cycle with steamcoolant reactor | Maykova, Svetlana; Borisov, Vassily; Antonova, Aleksandra Mikhailovna; Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Abramovskikh, Aleksey Andreevich |
2017 | Technical and economic analysis of the combined-cycle plant with back-pressure steam turbine | Antonova, Aleksandra Mikhailovna; Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Uvarov, Artem |
2016 | Thermophysical Reactivity Control of RBMK-1000 | Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Antonova, Aleksandra Mikhailovna; Vinogradov, Maksim |
2019 | Моделирование распространения в атмосфере загрязняющих веществ выбросов электростанций на базе программного комплекса «Skat» | Антонова, Александра Михайловна; Воробьёв, Александр Владимирович; Воробьёв, Владимир Александрович; Дутова, Екатерина Матвеевна; Покровский, Виталий Дмитриевич; Antonova, Aleksandra Mikhailovna; Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Vorobyev, Vladimir Alexandrovich; Dutova, Ekaterina Matveevna; Pokrovsky, Vitaly Dmitrievich |