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Отображение результатов 3698 до 3717 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Iodine catalysis: A green alternative to transition metals in organic chemistry and technologyYusubov, Mekhman Suleiman-Ogly (Suleimanovich); Zhdankin, Viktor Vladimirovich
2016Ion beam deflection in focusing magnetically insulated ion diodes with passive anodeXiaopeng Zhu; Liang Ding; Qin Zhang; Pushkarev, Aleksandr Ivanovich; Isakova, Yulia Ivanovna; And Min Kai Lei
2019The ion beam generation in the self-magnetically insulated ion diodeStepanov, Andrey Vladimirovich; Shamanin, Vitaly Igorevich; Tarbokov, Vladislav Aleksandrovich
2014Ion-exchange processes under the influense of magnetic fieldPerminov, S. V.; Bespala, E. V.
2014Ions separation under external periodic electric field action on salts solutions in polar dielectric liquidsShamanin, Igor Vladimirovich; Kazaryan, M. A.; Lomov, I. V.; Sid'ko, D. F.
2016Iron oxide and gold nanoparticles in cancer therapyGotman, Irena; Psakhie, Sergey Grigorievich; Lozhkomoev, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Gutmanas, Elazar
2015Iron oxide-modified nanoporous geopolymers for arsenic removal from ground waterMedpelli, Dinesh; Sandoval, Robert; Sherrill, Laurie; Hristovski, Kiril; Dong-Kyun Seo
2015Iron-catalyzed depolymerizations of end-of-life silicones with fatty alcoholsWeidauer, Maik; Heyder , Benedict; Woelki, Daniel; Tschiersch, Moritz; Kohler-Krutzfeldt, Angela; Enthaler, Stephan
2007Iron-free electron synchrotron with weak focusingMoskalev, Vladilen Aleksandrovich
2019Irradiation by a low-energy pulsed electron beam of zirconia-based compositeLeonov, Andrey Andreevich; Ivanov, Yuriy Fedorovich; Kalashnikov, Mark Petrovich; Paygin, Vladimir Denisovich; Teresov, A. D.
2019Irradiation of a whitefly by submocrosecond electron beam at atmospheric pressureIsemberlinova, Asemgul Asentaevna; Nuzhnyh, S. A.; Poloskov, Artem Viktorovich; Serebrennikov, Maksim Anatolevich; Egorov, Ivan Sergeevich
2016Is English changing?Погорелова, С. О.
2016Isolation of Mn(II), Fe(III), Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions on strongly acidic cation-exchange resins followed by determination of inorganic arsenic by anodic stripping voltammetrySkvortsova, Lidiya; Tyo, Anastasiya; Zakharova, Elsa Arminana; Shelkovnikov, Vladimir
2007Isotope composition of greisen carbon deposits (Kalgutinsk deposit)Potseluev, А. А.; Babkin, D. I.; Talibova, А. G.
2016Isotopic composition ([delta]{18}O and [delta]D) of the shallow groundwater in the Poyang Lake basinSoldatova, Evgeniya Aleksandrovna; Sun, Z.; Guseva, Natalia Vladimirovna
2017Isotopic composition and radiation characteristics of the 4th generation reactor spent fuelShamanin, Igor Vladimirovich; Bedenko, Sergey Vladimirovich; Knyshev, Vladimir Vladimirovich; Ukrainets, O. A.; Zorkin, A. I.
2015Israeli innovation systemZeremskaya, Yuliya Aleksandrovna; Omelchenko, A.; Зеремская, Юлия Александровна; Омельченко, А.
2020The issue of translating of neologisms as terms in the field of petroleum engineeringEfanova, A. O.; Zabrodina, Irina Konstantinovna
2016Issues of Application Design for Social StudiesRomanchukov, S.; Berestneva, Elena Viktorovna
2015The Issues of Development of a Creative ProfessionalFadeeva, V. N.; Kirillov, Nikolay Petrovich