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Отображение результатов 7216 до 7235 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Thin hydroxyapatite coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy fabricated via RF-magnetron sputteringMelnikov, Evgenii Sergeevich; Mukhametkaliev, Timur Mukhamedrashidovich; Surmeneva, Maria Alexandrovna
2007Thin structure of steel St52, 3N and possible reasons of defect of large-capacity billets AT "YURMASH"Danilov, V. I.; Valuev, D. V.; Ivanov, Yu. F.; Apasov, A. M.
2018"The Third Age": Aspects Of UnderstandingPankova, Nataliya Mikhailovna; Pogukaeva, Natalia Vyacheslavovna; Khaldeeva, Marina Aleksandrovna; Barysheva, Galina Anzelmovna; Korovkin, Mikhail
2014Third Kim is a new leader of North Korea. “Dark-horse” of the international communityAlatartseva, N. L.; Алатарцева, Н. Л.
2015Thorium-powered vehicles: nuclear power as an alternative to Fossil fuelsGlushkov, S. Yu.
2015Threats and Challenges to the Regional Security in Central Asian Region (the Example of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan)Daneykin (Daneikin), Yuri Viktorovich; Andreevsky, E.; Rogozhin, М.; Sernetsky, О.
2015Three Crucial Crises in the Development of the Khanty and Mansi Unique CultureVorobyeva, Viktoriya Vladimirovna; Fedorinova, Zoya Vladimirovna; Kolesnik , Ekaterina
2016Three-axis MEMS Accelerometer for Structural InspectionBarbin, Evgeny Sergeevich; Koleda, Aleksey Nikolaevich; Nesterenko, Tamara Georgievna; Vtorushin, S.
2016Three-Stage Character Of Molten Metal Drop And A Hard Substrate Contact InteractionSapozhkov, Sergey Borisovich; Burakova, Ekaterina Mikhailovna; Tesleva, Elena Pavlovna
2019A three-step extended block hybrid backward differentiation formula for stiff system of second order ordinary differential equationsShiawoya, K. T.; Mohammed, U.; Semenov, Mikhail Evgenievich
2019A three-step numerical approximant based on block hybrid backward differentiation formula for stiff system of ordinary differential equationMohammed, S. U.; Akintububo, B. G.; Semenov, Mikhail Evgenievich
2015Threshold processes in technical systems with uranium and thoriumKnyshev, V. V.; Bedenko, Sergey Vladimirovich; Gritsyuk, S. V.
2017Ti-Nb alloys for application in medicineThoemmes, А.; Ivanov, I. V.; Kuzmin, R. I.
2016Tic-based coatings deposition using electric discharged plasmaRakhmatullin, Ilyas Aminovich; Sivkov, Aleksandr Anatolyevich; Ivashutenko, Alexander Sergeevich; Gerasimov, Dmitry Yurievich; Shanenkova, Yuliya Leonidovna
2017TiC-based coatings deposition using electric discharged plasmaRakhmatullin, Ilyas Aminovich; Sivkov, Aleksandr Anatolyevich; Gerasimov, Dmitry Yurievich; Ivashutenko, Alexander Sergeevich; Shanenkova, Yuliya Leonidovna
2015Time constant of the aperiodic component of three phase short-circuit analysisVaravin, A. S.; Kosmynina, Nina Mikhailovna
2016Time management as essential skill for successful career in competitive environmentGolovkova, D. V.
2017The time-frequency method of signal analysis in internal combustion engine diagnosticsAvramchuk, Valery Stepanovich; Kazmin, Viktor Pavlovich; Faerman, Vladimir Andreevich; Le, V. T.
2016Tips to Advance Business Writing Skills at EFL Classes (Through the Example of "Letter of Complaint")Kuimova, Marina Valerievna; Nikiforov, Denis Sergeevich
2015Titanium Carbide: Nanotechnology, Properties, ApplicationGalevsky, G. V.; Rudneva, V. V.; Garbuzova, A. K.; Valuev, Denis Viktorovich