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Showing results 62 to 81 of 73104 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015A Comparative Analysis of Classical and Postmodern Views on the Idea of a UniversityPetrova, Galina; Smokotin, Vladimir; Brylina, Irina Vladimirovna; Kornienko, Alla Alexandrovna; Kornienko, Anna Anatolievna; Nikitina, Yulia Anatolyevna; Kachalov, Nikolay Aleksandrovich
2015A Coursebook in a Trilingual Classroom: To Use or not to UseYastrebova, Larisa; Chesnokova, Irina Anatolievna
2015A new face of Russian engineering educationDorzhieva, Suranzan Bulatovna; Betenekova, N. V.
2015A new method of determining the speed of gravitational settling of particles ofindustrial emissionsBabicheva, V. O.
2015A Study of Silica Separation in the Production of Activated Carbon from Rice Husk in Viet NamHieu, N. M.; Korobochkin, Valery Vasilievich; Tu, N. V.
2015A Theory and Typology of Possession in Ob-Yenissei LanguagesPotanina, Olga Sergeevna; Filchenko, Andrey Yurievich
2015"A traditional approach" to descriptions of Uralic languages in RussiaМымрина, Дина Федоровна; Шитц, Ольга Александровна
2015A vacuum arc cathode magnetic field and a substrate bias influence on a macroparticle content decreasingRyabchikov, Aleksandr Ilyich; Ananjin, P. S.; Sivin, Denis Olegovich; Shevelev, A. E.; Zhelomsky, S. G.
2014A world of Japan: culture and languagePetrovskaya, S. P.
2015Ab initio исследование диффузии водорода в титанеСпиридонова, Т. И.; Бакулин, А. В.; Кулькова, С. Е.
2020Ab initio методы расчета влияния взаимодействий Ван-дер-Ваальса на адгезию на границе раздела титан-керамика на основе фосфатов кальцияГрубова, Ирина Юрьевна; Сурменев, Роман Анатольевич; Сурменева, Мария Александровна; Нейтс, Э.
2016Abakan solar power plant analysis of prospects of using solar energy in Khakassia (Abakan solar power plant)Sarazhakova, D. A.; Nizkodubov, Gavriel Anatolevich
2017Abbildungsprozessen in Erdöl-Wasser-EmulsionenPolyakova, K. A.
2006Abelian groups as artinian or noetherian modules above endomorphism ringsKrylov, P. A.; Podberesina, E. I.
2014Ability of peat sorbent to remove oil spills from the water surfaceRozhkova, D. S.; Khadkevich, I. A.; Bulgakova, O. L.
2016The ability to create NTD silicon technology in the IRT-T reactor in a horizontal experimental channel with one-side accessVarlachev, Valery Aleksandrovich; Golovathkiy, Aleksey Vasilievich; Emets, Evgeny Gennadievich; Butko, Yana Aleksandrovna
2017Abnormal Behavior of ZrO[2]-MgO Porous Ceramic Composite under CompressionBuyakov, Ales Sergeevich; Kulkov, Sergey Nikolaevich
2018Abnormally luminescent layers in the Bazhenov Formation of the West Siberian BasinDeeva, E. S.
2015About accuracy of the discrimination parameter estimation for the dual high-energy methodOsipov, Sergey Pavlovich; Chakhlov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Осипов, Олег Сергеевич; Stein, Aleksandr Mikhailovich; Strugovtsev, D. V.
2014About effectiveness of authentic materials in foreign language teachingGaberling, I. P.