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Showing results 767 to 786 of 73286 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018c-Jun N-Terminal Kinases (JNKs) in Myocardial and Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion InjuryShvedova, Mariya Vitaljevna; Anfinogenova, Yana Jonovna; Atochina, Elena Nikolaevna; Shchepyotkin, Igor Aleksandrovich; Atochin, Dmitry Nikolaevich
2014Cables for VFD systemsKotov, V. V.; Leonov, Andrey Petrovich; Stolyarova, Alla Konstantinovna
2014CAD/CAE проектирование бездефектных конструкций на основе программного обеспечения "MEZA"Малышев, Д. Ю.; Деев, М. А.
2016Calcium phosphate coatings produced by radiofrequency magnetron sputtering methodBolbasov, Evgeny Nikolaevich; Zheravin, A. A.; Klimov, I. A.; Kulbakin, D. E.; Perelmuter, V. M.; Tverdokhlebov, Sergei Ivanovich; Cherdyntseva, N. V.; Choinzonov, E. L.
2015Calcium-phosphate coating on AZ91d magnesium alloy prepared via RF magnetron sputteringМухаметкалиев, Тимур Мухамедрашидович; Сурменева, Мария Александровна
2016The Calculated Ratio of the Gas Flow in a Countercurrent Cyclone Dust ConcentratorVasilevsky, Mikhail Viktorovich; Razva, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Pleschko, Alissa; Kadurkin, Ivan
2014Calculating methods of the polarization radiation characteristicsKornoukhova, E. V.
2021Calculation and comparison of heat transfer coefficient & heat flux by varying the parameters for SCWR through CFD simulationsFidel Castro Parimala Rangan
2017Calculation by iterative method of linear viscoelastic plate under biaxial tensionSvetashkov, Aleksandr Andreevich; Micinski, J.; Manabaev, Kairat Kamitovich; Vakurov, A. A.
2016Calculation Method for Cable-Beam Shell StructuresBelov, Sergey; Pavlov, Mikhail Sergeevich; Ponomarev, Viktor; Ponomarev, Sergey; Zhukov, Andrey
2016Calculation Method to Determine the Group Composition of Vacuum Distillate with High Content of Saturated HydrocarbonsNazarova, Galina Yurievna; Ivashkina, Elena Nikolaevna; Shafran, Tatyana; Belinskaya, Natalia Sergeevna
2014Calculation methodology of fast fission factor in a thermal reactorGrishko, D. V.; Malishev, D. Y.; Kuzmin, Arian Valerievich
2014Calculation of energy release function of focused ion beam in solidsRyabkina, X. S.
2016Calculation of Free Interior Dimensions in Geokhod Transmission With Hydraulic CylindersBlashchuk, Mikhail Yurievich; Dronov, Anton Anatolievich; Ganovichev, S. S.
2014Calculation of Gasoline Octane Numbers Taking into Account the Reaction Interaction of Blend ComponentsMaylin, M. V.; Kirgina, Mariya Vladimirovna; Sviridova, E. V.; Sakhnevitch, B. V.; Ivanchina, Emilia Dmitrievna
2016Calculation of Geometrical Parameters of Geokhod Transmission With Hydraulic CylindersBlashchuk, Mikhail Yurievich; Dronov, Anton Anatolievich; Ganovichev, S. S.
2023Calculation of heat transfer intensity of gas fuel combustion productsМракин, Антон Николаевич; Афанасьева, Ольга Валерьевна; Кулешов, Олег Юрьевич; Mrakin, Anton Nikolaevich; Afanaseva, Olga Valerievna; Kuleshov, Oleg Yurievich
2012Calculation of implementation efficiency of quality management systemDedova, Valentina Evgenevna; Дедова, Валентина Евгеньевна
2019Calculation of macrodefects coordinates in dielectric specimens on the two-dimensional mathematical model of mechanoeletric transformations methodLaas, Roman Aleksandrovich; Khorsov, Petr Nikolaevich; Surzhikov, Anatoly Petrovich
2023Calculation of methane bubble optimum diameter in a bubble reactorPolisadov, S. S.