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Showing results 2764 to 2783 of 72992 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Games for EFL spelling and vocabularyНиконова, Е. Д.; Дружиловска, Д. М.; Кобзева, Надежда Александровна
2007Gamma spectrometric method to control activity and nuclide composition of gaseous radioactive waste formed at operation of nuclear power plantsGavrilov, P. M.; Kokhomsky, A. G.; Izmestiev, K. M.; Seelev, I. N.; Silaev, M. E.
2007Gamma-spectrometric control method of activity and nuclide composition of low-active solid radioactive wasteGavrilov, P. М.; Kokhomskiy, А. G.; Izmestiev, К. М.; Seelev, I. N.; Silaev, М. Е.; Shamanin, I. V.; Nesterov, V. N.
2017GAP-анализ системы менеджмента качестваГоркунова, А. О.
2015Gas - discharge electron sources with gas- dynamic beam output windowsOrlikov, L. N.; Orlikov, Nikolay Leonidovich
2014Gas Chromatographic Investigation of Oil Biodegradation DegreeLeonov, K.; Astashkina, Anna Pavlovna; Bakibaev, Abdigali Abdimanapovich
2016Gas Cleaning System with a Pre-Unloading FlowVasilevsky, Mikhail Viktorovich; Razva, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Baev, Roman; Asan Alibek
2015Gas Discharge Plasmas and Their Applications (GDP 2015) : 12th International Conference, September 6–11, 2015, Tomsk, Russia : abstracts-
2019Gas Discharge Plasmas and Their Applications (GDP 2019): 14th International Conference, September 15–21, 2019, Tomsk, Russia: abstracts-
2016Gas hydrate deposit development in the Arctic: geoecological and technical challengesOberemok, I. A.
2021Gas hydrate formation and its prevention in gas-field operationsRyabov, А. D.
2021Gas-discharge plasma application for ion-beam treatment of the holes' inner surfacesSivin, Denis Olegovich; Korneva, Olga Sergeevna; Ivanova, Anna Ivanovna; Vakhrushev, Dimitry Olegovich
2019Gaseous discharge plasma switching in oversized interference microwave switchesArtemenko, Sergey Nikolaevich; Gorev, Stanislav Andreevich; Igumnov, Vladislav Sergeevich; Novikov, Sergey Avtonomovich; Yushkov, Yuri Georgievich
2019Gaseous discharge plasma switching in oversized interference microwave switchesArtemenko, Sergey Nikolaevich; Igumnov, Vladislav Sergeevich; Gorev, Stanislav Andreevich; Novikov, Sergey Avtonomovich; Yushkov, Yuri Georgievich
2016GashydrateБексыргаев, Б. Ж.
2018Gasification of the low grade fuels and industrial waste by the continuous wave laser radiationZaitsev, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Egorov, Roman Igorevich
2019Gasoline production using the Zeoforming process products and stable gas condensate as feedstockTemirbolat, A. M.; Altynov, A. A.
2017Gating system design for the space device case using T-Flex CADMunkhe-Zul Ayusheev; Kostyuchenko, Tamara Georgievna
2022Geant4 Simulation of Precipitated Activity-to-?-Dose Rate Conversion Factors for Radon and Thoron Decay ProductsYakovleva, Valentina Stanislavovna; Yakovlev, Grigory Alekseevich; Parovik, Roman Ivanovich; Smirnov, Sergey Vasiljevich; Kobzev, Aleksey Anatoljevich
2017Gearless Micro Hydropower Plant for Small Water-CourseDementiev, Yuriy Nikolaevich; Kuzmin, Roman Olegovich; Serikov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Suzdorf, Viktor Ivanovich; Negodin, Kirill Nikolaevich; Vayda, Ishtvan