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Showing results 6140 to 6159 of 73104 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1975S-волновое движение в потенциале Вудса-Саксона и энергии связи гиперядерФилимонов, Виктор Александрович
2016Safety and risks of nuclear power: Changing the discourse (by the example of Tomsk region)Negrul, S. V.; Trubchenko, Tatiana Grigorievna; Lemeshko, Elena Yurievna
2015Safety enhancement of oil trunk pipeline crossing active faults on Sakhalin IslandTishkina, E.; Antropova, Natalya Alekseevna; Korotchenko, Tatiana Valerievna
2015Safety of Electrical Load onthe Helix Lamps for Repeated Start Open Gas Generator Under WaterGoldaev, Sergey Vasilievich; Babushkin, Nikita; Basalaev, Sergey
2017Safety of gas pipelines and the problem of environmental protectionNikolaenko, Sergey; Dyundik, Anzhelika
2016Sand-blasting treatment as a way to improve the adhesion strength of hydroxyapatite coating on titanium implantGrubova, Irina Yurievna; Surmenev, Roman Anatolievich; Pryamushko, Tatiana Sergeevna; Korneva, Olga Sergeevna; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Surmeneva, Maria Alexandrovna
2017Sand-blasting treatment as a way to improve the adhesion strength of hydroxyapatite coating on titanium implantGrubova, Irina Yurievna; Pryamushko, Tatiana Sergeevna; Surmeneva, Maria Alexandrovna; Korneva, Olga Sergeevna; Epple, M.; Prymak, O.; Surmenev, Roman Anatolievich
2014Sapply voltage distortion effect on output voltage and input current of the ac chopper feeding an induction motorGorbunov, R. L.
2016Sapropel-based supports as novel macroporous carbon-mineral adsorbents for enzymatic active substancesKovalenko, G. A.; Perminova, L. V.; Maksimova, Yu. G.; Maksimov, A. Yu.
2015Satellite NavigationSysoeva, N. V.
2018SBRT рака предстательной железы в режиме гипофракционированияШеффрес, Елизавета Викторовна
2014SCADA - Supervisory control and data acquisitionBelskiy, I. D.; Sokolova, Elvira Yakovlevna
2014SCADA system design and securityChernaya, A. A.; Chesnokova, Irina Anatolievna
2022SCADA-система КИП реактора ИРТ-ТДемидов, Виталий Алексеевич; Овсенёв, Александр Евгеньевич
2015Scada-система, как источник первичной экономической информацииВасин, М. А.; Дутов, И. Ю.
2016SCADA-система, как источник первичной экономической информацииВасин, М. А.; Дутов, И. Ю.
2015Scalability of GlusterFS in a small cluster for providing fast access to large amount of dataReviakin, A. V.
2016Scale effects in tribological properties of solid-lubricating composites made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene filled with calcium stearate particlesLurie, S. A.; Volkov-Bogorodskiy, D. B.; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Kornienko, L. A.
2019Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Drilling Cuttings in Tomsk Oblast SitesKlimova (Mekh), Alyona Andreevna; Azarova, Svetlana Valerievna; Yazikov, Yegor (Egor) Grigoryevich; Matveenko, Irina Alekseevna
2016Scenario Modeling of Thermal Influence from Forest Fire Front on a Coniferous Tree TrunkBaranovskiy, Nikolay Viktorovich; Barakhnin, Vladimir; Andreeva, Ksenia