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Showing results 7071 to 7090 of 73016 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Tailings Utilization and Zinc Extraction Based on Mechanochemical ActivationGolik, Vladimir Ivanovich; Klyuev, Roman Vladimirovich; Martyushev, Nikita Vladimirovich; Brigida, Vladimir Sergeevich; Efremenkov (Ephremenkov), Egor Alekseevich; Sorokova, Svetlana Nikolaevna; Tsi Mensyuy
2023Tailoring of optical and mechanical properties of high-entropy ceramic thin flms prepared by hipims sputteringBulakh, Vlada Aleksandrovna; Mitulinsky, Aleksandr Sergeevich
2021Taloe-Sedimentation in an Intermittent Lake (Russian Federation, Republic of Khakassia)Khrushcheva, M. O.; Dutova, Ekaterina Matveevna; Tishin, Platon Alekseevich; Arkhipov, Aleksandr Leonidovich; Nikitenkov, Aleksey Nikolaevich; Chernyshov, Aleksey Ivanovich
2016Tandem method for language learningПерфильева, А. В.
2016Tandem teaching as an efficient interdisciplinary approachЯкушина, Е. А.
2014Taoism themes in modern chinese cinematographyAndreev, D. I.; Андреев, Д. И.
2017The tape winding current impact on the motor’s torque curveDolgikh, Antonina Gennadievna; Martemyanov, Vladimir Mikhailovich; Samodurov, Ivan Nikolaevich
2016Tariffs Formation on oil transportationGlyzina, Tatiana Svyatoslavovna; Kolbysheva, Yuliya Vladimirovna; Grivtsova, I. S.; Dmitrieva, N. V.
2017The task adaptation method for determining the optical flow problem of interactive objects recognition in real timeBagutdinov, Ravil Anatolievich; Zakharova, Alena Alexandrovna
2024Task-based approach: for and againstБуран, Анна Леонидовна
2017Tax Burden of Russian Oil Companies after Tax ConsolidationPokrovskaia, Natalia; Bannova, Kristina Alekseevna; Kornyushina, Valeria
2015Tax incentives as the tool for stimulating hard to recover oil reserves developmentSharf, Irina Valerievna; Borzenkova, D. N.; Grinkevich, L. S.
2017Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy: the European experienceOgunlana Ayodele Oludare; Goryunova, Nataliya Nikolaevna
2017Taxation issues facing small business in the Russian FederationZenkov, I. A.
2014TEA СО[2] лазер с малой длительностью генерацииПанченко, Ю. Н.; Усик, О. П.
2020The teacher's roles in the contemporary educational processГорских, М. Е.; Арсентьев, О. В.
2015Teaching Disciplines "History of Russia" and "Country Studies" to Foreign Students: Problems and SolutionsVoytovich, Aleksey Viktorovich; Shvagrukova, Ekaterina Vasilevna; Chan Din Tan Sy
2016Teaching English to Vietnamese students in the higher institutionTran Dinh Tan Xu
2015Teaching Model of Pupils’ Research Competence Formation in the Context of Humanitarian Subject-oriented Classes of General Education School: Functional and Organizational CharacteristicsKazarina, Lidiya Anatolievna; Khasanshin (Hasanshin), Yuriy Renatovich; Smyshlyaeva, Larisa
2016Teaching motor skills by means of biomechanical analysis of the motion: the physiological basis and applied information technologiesRazuvanova, Anna Vladimirovna; Koshelskaya, Elena Vladimirovna; Karpova, I. A.; Medvedeva, E. V.