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Showing results 7614 to 7633 of 72992 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014V Международная школа-конференция молодых атомщиков Сибири : сборник тезисов докладов, 22-24 октября 2014 г., г. Северск-
2019V-ZrSiO4 ceramic pigments obtained from chemically activated natural zirconSharafeev, Sharif
1998Vaclav Hrdina Siberian Austrian of Czech originLozinsky, Y. M.
2016Vacuum circuit breakerВаземиллер, Е. В.; Буран, Анна Леонидовна
2015Vacuum Effect on the Lactide YieldYarkova, Anna; Novikov, Viktor Timofeevich; Glotova, Valentina Nikolaevna; Shkarin, Roman Vladimirovich; Borovikova, Yana
2015Vacuum moulding plants as a pollution-free way of manufactureLobach, I. N.; Allagulova, R. I.
2016Vacuum pyrolysed biochar for soil amendmentAshish Yadav; Ansari, Khursheed; Prithvi Simha; Vilas G. Gaikar, Vilas; Aniruddha B. Pandit, Aniruddha
2020Validation and Completion of Initial Data of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Development Based on 3D ModelsZavjyalov, Dmitry Alekseevich; Nebaba, Stepan Gennadievich; Zavjyalova, Kseniya Vladimirovna; Zakharova, Alena Alexandrovna; Rizen, Yulia Sergeevna
2021Validation of positive-sequence modeling of large-disturbance stability in a distribution network with distributed generation using the hybrid comprehensive simulatorSuvorov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich; Askarov, Alisher Bakhramzhonovich; Andreev, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Gusev, Alexander Sergeevich
2022Validation of semi-empirical temperature model of PEMFC using atom search optimization algorithmАмин Аббу; Абденнеби Эль Хаснауиб; Amine Abbou; Abdennebi El Hassnaouib
2017Validation of short-circuit current calculations in electric power systemSuvorov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich; Andreev, Mikhail Vladimirovich
2015Valuation methods of logistic innovations implementation resultsSidorenko, A. N.; Marugina, Nadezhda Ivanovna; Сидоренко, А. Н.; Маругина, Надежда Ивановна
2015Value stream mapping as a basic tool of Lean manufacturingIgnatenko, K. V.
2016A Value-based Approach to Unspelling EntrepreneurshipBaryshev, Aleksey Andreevich; Barysheva, Galina Anzelmovna
2014Variable Speed Diesel Generator (VSDG)Sondor, D. V.; Tarasova, Ekaterina Sergeevna
2018A variant of Schwarzian mechanicsGalajinsky, Anton Vladimirovich
2020Various analytical models for supercapacitors: a mathematical studyPrasad, R.; Mehta, U.; Kothari, K.
2019The Vasugan Swamp peats (Tomsk region) as a promising source oforganic matter with antioxidant propertiesBratishko , Kristina; Buyko, Evgeny; Zykova, Maria; Belousov, Michael
2017Vector Control System Design for Four Degree-of-Freedom Dynamic Flexible Simulation of the Variable-Frequency DriveKladiev, Sergey Nikolaevich; Solozhenko, Anton; Filipas, Alexander
2007Vector fields of zero total curvature of the second type in fore-dimension spaceOnishchyk, N. М.; Narezhneva, D. L.