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Title: Half-width and line center shifts formed by transitions into highly excited vibration states of CO molecule
Authors: Stroinova, V. N.
Keywords: shifts; lines; vibration states; molecules; spectral lines; transitions; dissociation; kinetic processes; cold plasma
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Stroinova V. N. Half-width and line center shifts formed by transitions into highly excited vibration states of CO molecule / V. N. Stroinova // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. — 2007. — Vol. 311, № 2. — [P. 88-94].
Abstract: Within the proposed model the half-width and shift of centers of spectral lines formed by transitions on high vibration conditions of CO molecule to dissociation bound have been calculated. The given results allow investigating kinetic processes and characteristics of CO-laser cold plasma
ISSN: 1684-8519
Appears in Collections:Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов

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