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Title: Elasticity modules and acoustic properties of metal ceramics on the basis of tungsten monocarbide
Authors: Botaki, A. A.
Pozdeeva, E. V.
Keywords: elasticity modules; acoustic properties; metal ceramics; tungsten monocarbide; speeds; acoustic waves; metal ceramic alloys; temperatures; amplitude dependences; internal friction; radiation; cobalt; concentration; grain boundary dislocations; isotropic mixes; anisotropic phases; strength properties
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Botaki A. A. Elasticity modules and acoustic properties of metal ceramics on the basis of tungsten monocarbide / A. A. Botaki, E. V. Pozdeeva // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. — 2007. — Vol. 311, № 2. — [P. 98-102].
Abstract: The results of measurements of acoustic wave speeds and elasticity modules of metal ceramic alloys on the basis of tungsten monocarbide in temperature range of 100...295 K as well as amplitude dependences of internal friction at temperatures 140...295 K and after ?-irradiation (60Со, 1,25 MeV, 5.103 and 105 Gy) have been given. It was shown that elasticity modules of alloys decrease monotonously at increase of cobalt concentration. Radiation influence stimulates the processes complicating movement of grain boundary dislocations in alloys. Representation of these alloys in the form of isotropic mixes of anisotropic phases describes qualitatively correctly the dependence of elasticity modules on structure. The resulted experimental and calculated values of elasticity modules may be used for estimation of elastic and strength properties of these alloys
ISSN: 1684-8519
Appears in Collections:Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов

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