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Результаты 1-10 из 27.
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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016Mathematical modelling of thermal and kinetic phenomena in electron-beam technologiesKnyazeva, Anna Georgievna; Pobol, I. L.; Demidov, Valery Nikolaevich
2016Coating synthesis controlled by electron-beam heatingGordienko, A. I.; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna; Pobol, I. L.
2016Scale effects in tribological properties of solid-lubricating composites made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene filled with calcium stearate particlesLurie, S. A.; Volkov-Bogorodskiy, D. B.; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Kornienko, L. A.
2016A behavior model of the viscoelastic system with a melting component under loadChumakov, Yu. A.; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna
2016The influence of some model parameters on the impurity distribution implanted into substrate surfaceParfenova, Elena Sergeevna; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna
2014New phase synthesis in surface layer in the conditions of ion implantationKhan, Asfandyar; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna
2014Model of evolution of surface grain structure under ion bombardmentKnyazeva, Anna Georgievna; Kryukova, Olga
2014Micro- and macrostresses in two level model of coating growthNazarenko, N. N.; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna
2014Cellular automata modeling of microcrystalline structure formationMikolaychuk, Mikhail; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna
2014The influence of vacancy generation at the initial stage of ion implantationParfenova, Elena Sergeevna; Knyazeva, Anna Georgievna