Материалы конференций : [31977] Главная страница коллекции Статистика

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Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 1321 - 1340 из 31977
По дате сохраненияНазваниеАвторы
30-июл-2023Моделирование твердофазного процесса алкилирования изобутана олефинамиВакалова, С. Е.
30-июл-2023Пиролитическое разложение полилактидаГейнц, В. В.
30-июл-2023Математическая модель процесса гидроочистки дизельного топлива с учетом азотсодержащих соединенийБуцыкина, Е. Р.; Туралин, К. Н.
30-июл-2023Modification of a zeolite catalyst to improve the quality of stable gas condensate processing productsTorchakova, O. M.
30-июл-2023Investigation of plasma chemical process of synthesis of fuel oxide compositions from water-organic nitrate solutions of uranium, plutonium, and magnesiumShcherbina, D. S.
30-июл-2023Production components of fuels by processing blends of diesel fraction and rapeseed oil on zeolite catalystSosnina, Daria Viacheslavovna; Bogdanov, Ilya Aleksandrovich; Altynov, Andrey Andreevich
30-июл-2023Forecasting indicators of the fluid catalytic cracking process of vacuum gas oil with the involvement of different ratios of selective oil extractNafo, B. J.; Nazarova, Galina Yurievna
30-июл-2023Development of recipes for blending fuel compositions from diesel fuel and biodiesel from used vegetable oilNaurusov, A. I.
30-июл-2023Investigation of the depressor additive effect on the pour point of synthetic and mineral compressor oilSaprygina, A. V.
30-июл-2023Comparison of the effects of n-paraffins and petroleum resins on effiectiveness of depressor additivesShafer, S. E.; Orlova, Anna Markovna; Titaev, K. M.
30-июл-2023Laser irradiation of molybdenum disulfide for enhanced photocatalytic dimerization of 4-nitrobenzenethiolTran Tuan Hoang; Rodriguez (Rodriges) Contreras, Raul David; Villa Pineda, Nelson Enrrique; Shchadenko, Sergey Vladimirovich; Averkiev, Andrey Alekseevich; Sheremet, Evgeniya Sergeevna
30-июл-2023Application of computational fluid dynamics methods to intensify reactor operation in the catalytic cracking processMaksimova, U. V.
30-июл-2023Investigation the effect of heteroatomic compounds in diesel fuel on the effectiveness of depressorsKutuzova, V. P.; Morozova, Yana Pavlovna; Kirgina, Mariya Vladimirovna
30-июл-2023Research of plasma-chemical synthesis of nanostructured oxide fuel compositions for high-temperature gas-cooled reactorsKuznetsova, A. A.
30-июл-2023Vegetable oils, promising feedstock of the hydro-refining processKokorina, Y. S.; Bogdanov, Ilya Aleksandrovich
30-июл-2023Investigation the influence of technological parameters on the detonation characteristics of stable gas condensate processing productsMatveev, A. V.; Altynov, Andrey Andreevich
30-июл-2023The concentration of the depressor additive for diesel fuels as a factor of its effectivenessLakizo, T. A.; Morozova, Yana Pavlovna
30-июл-2023Regularities of feedstock consumption influence on the depth of stable gas condensate processing on zeolite catalystLukyanov, D. M.; Altynov, Andrey Andreevich
30-июл-2023Parameters of diesel fuel composition that affect the efficiency of depressant additivesMorozova, Yana Pavlovna
30-июл-2023Разработка нестационарной модели пиролиза бензиновой фракцииБунаев, Аюр Алексеевич; Долганов, Игорь Михайлович; Долганова, Ирэна Олеговна
Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 1321 - 1340 из 31977