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2019Switching Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant to Composite Fuel for Recovering Industrial and Municipal Waste: Combustion Characteristics, Emissions, and Economic EffectGlushkov, Dmitry Olegovich; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Paushkina, Kristina Konstantinovna
2021Numerical analysis of the equipment position influence on the premises thermal regime under gas infrared emitter operation and mixed convection conditionsBorisov, Boris Vladimirovich; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich; Nagornova, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Vyatkin, Aleksandr Vitaljevich
2021Heat transfer under conditions of operation of a gas infrared emitter and an air exchange systemBorisov, Boris Vladimirovich; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich; Nagornova, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Vyatkin, Aleksandr Vitaljevich
2021The heat supply object thermal regime under conditions of gas infrared emitter and air exchange system joint operationKuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich; Nagornova, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Vyatkin, Aleksandr Vitaljevich
2020Influence of a wet wood particle form on the characteristics of its ignition in the high-temperature mediumKuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Syrodoy, Semen Vladimirovich; Gutareva, Nadezhda Yurievna
2022Compartment Fire Behavior at the Stages of Detection, Containment and Suppression Using Water MistKuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Volkov, Roman Sergeevich; Sviridenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Zhdanova, Alena Olegovna
2022Influence of Compartment Fire Behavior at Ignition and Combustion Development Stages on the Operation of Fire DetectorsZhdanova, Alena Olegovna; Volkov, Roman Sergeevich; Sviridenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Strizhak, Pavel Alexandrovich
2022Adaptation of Fire-Fighting Systems to Localization of Fires in the Premises: ReviewKuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Kopylov, Nikolay Petrovich; Sushkina, Elena Yurjevna; Zhdanova, Alena Olegovna
2018The Main Elements of a Strategy for Combined Utilization of Industrial and Municipal Waste from Neighboring Regions by Burning it as Part of Composite FuelsGlushkov, Dmitry Olegovich; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Paushkina, Kristina Konstantinovna; Shabardin, Dmitry Pavlovich
2017Mathematical Computing of Coniferous Tree Ignition by the Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Discharge using Joule-Lenz's LawBaranovskiy, Nikolay Viktorovich; Kuznetsov, Geny Vladimirovich; Nemova, Tatjyana Nikolaevna