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Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 261 - 280 из 620
По дате сохраненияНазваниеАвторы
26-ноя-2021Socio-cultural adaptation of Tuvan students in educational space of TomskHomushku, Olga Matpaevna; Kukhta, Maria Sergeevna; Raitina, Margarita Yurjevna
26-ноя-2021On the design of some devices for localization and extinguishing wildfires of different intensitiesKasymov, Denis Petrovich; Galtseva (Gal’tseva), Olga Valerievna
26-ноя-2021Experimental characterization of firebrand ignition of some wood building materialsTarakanova, V. A.; Kasymov, Denis Petrovich; Galtseva (Gal’tseva), Olga Valerievna; Chicherina, Natality Viktorovna
26-ноя-2021Evaluation of the potential accuracy of the pulsed radio signals source coordinate determination by the positioning system using a single UAV-sensorBaldytchev, M. T.; Laptev, Igor Viktorovich; Chebotar, I. V.; Gaychuk, Yu. N.; Pivkin, I. G.; Timoshenko, A. V.; Galtseva (Gal’tseva), Olga Valerievna
26-ноя-2021Mathematical Simulation of Heat Transfer in the Structures of a Passenger Carriage Under the Influence of Forest FiresBaranovskiy, Nikolay Viktorovich; Malinin, Aleksey Olegovich
26-ноя-2021Estimation of Thermal Resistance Field in Layered Materials by Analytical Asymptotic MethodGroz, Marie-Marthe; Bensalem, M.; Sommier, A.; Abisset-Chavanne, E.; Chevalier, S.; Chulkov, Arseniy Olegovich; Battaglia, J. L.; Batsale, Jean Christophe; Pradere, Christophe
26-ноя-2021Improving the heat resistance of polymer electrical insulation systems for the modernization of induction motorsLeonov, Andrey Petrovich; Usacheva, Tatjyana Vladimirovna; Lyapunov, Danil Yurievich; Voronina, Nataljya Alekseevna; Galtseva (Gal’tseva), Olga Valerievna; Rogachev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
26-ноя-2021Depositional Conditions of Cretaceous Ironstones Deposit in the Chulym-Yenisey Basin (Western Siberia)Rudmin, Maksim Andreevich; Banerjee, Santanu; Dauletova, Aygerim Bauyrzhanovna; Ruban, Aleksey Sergeevich
26-ноя-2021Characterizing Depth of Defects with Low Size/Depth Aspect Ratio and Low Thermal Reflection by Using Pulsed IR ThermographyMoskovchenko, Aleksey Igorevich; Svantner, Michal; Vavilov, Vladimir Platonovich; Chulkov, Arseniy Olegovich
26-ноя-2021Determination of Inactive Powers in a Single-Phase AC NetworkShchurov, Nikolay Ivanovich; Myatezh, Sergey Vladimirovich; Malozemov, Boris Vitaljevich; Shtang, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Martyushev, Nikita Vladimirovich; Klyuev, Roman Vladimirovich; Dedov, Sergey Igorevich
26-ноя-2021Peculiarities of High-Energy Induction Heating during Surface Hardening in Hybrid Processing ConditionsSkeeba, Vadim Yurjevich; Ivantsivsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich; Martyushev, Nikita Vladimirovich
26-ноя-2021Defining the Thermal Features of Sub-Surface Reinforcing Fibres in Non-Polluting Thermo–Acoustic Insulating Panels: A Numerical–Thermographic–Segmentation ApproachLiu Kaixin; Perilli, S.; Chulkov, Arseniy Olegovich; Yao Yuan; Omar, Mohammed; Vavilov, Vladimir Platonovich; Liu Yi; Sfarra, Stefano
26-ноя-2021Совершенствование структуры имитационной модели тягового асинхронного электропривода рудничного электровозаБорисов, Станислав Валерьевич; Колтунова, Екатерина Александровна; Кладиев, Сергей Николаевич
26-ноя-2021Voltammetric Study of the Total Activity of Antioxidants in the Blood Serum of Patients with Neurological DiseasesVoronova, Olesya Aleksandrovna; Korotkova, Elena Ivanovna; Plotnikov, Evgeny Vladimirovich; Geraskevich, Alina Vadimovna; Kataeva, Nadezhda Grigorjevna; Dorozhko, Elena Vladimirovna; Gamayurova, Irina Sergeevna; Lipskikh, Olga Ivanovna; Derina, Kseniya Vladimirovna
26-ноя-2021DLC-Coated Ferroelectric Membranes as Vascular Patches: Physico-Chemical Properties and BiocompatibilityYuriev, Yuri Nikolaevich; Goreninsky (Goreninskii), Semen Igorevich; Runts, Artem Alekseevich; Prosetskaya, Elizaveta Alekseevna; Plotnikov, Evgeny Vladimirovich; Shishkova, Darjya Kirillovna; Kudryavtseva, Yuliya Aleksandrovna; Bolbasov, Evgeny Nikolaevich
26-ноя-2021Modeling of magnetic fields and signals of a ferromagnetic pipe flaw detector induced by a through hole defectGoldstein (Goldshtein), Aleksandr Efremovich; Belyankov, Vasily Yurjevich
26-ноя-2021Application of the Electrochemical Permeation Method for Hydrogen Diffusion Coefficient Determination in Pipeline Steel 10G2Borodin, Vladislav Ivanovich; Lun-Fu, Aleksandr Viktorovich; Kudiyarov, Victor Nikolaevich; Lider, Andrey Markovich; Sakvin, Ivan; Bubenchikov, Mikhail Alekseevich; Kaparulin, Dmitry Sergeevich; Ovchinnikov, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich
26-ноя-2021Comparative study of the effect of flame retardants on the ignition temperature of epoxy compositesAmelkovich, Yuliya Alexandrovna; Nazarenko, Olga Bronislavovna; Smirnova, Irina Nikolaevna; Zadorozhnaya, Tatiyana Anatolyevna
14-мая-2021Clay Minerals and Detrital Material in Paleocene–Eocene Biogenic Siliceous Rocks (Sw Western Siberia): Implications for Volcanic and Depositional Environment RecordSmirnov, Pavel; Deryagina, Oksana; Afanasjeva, Nadezhda; Rudmin, Maksim Andreevich; Gursky, Hans Jurgen
14-мая-2021Nonparametric estimation of deformation reliefAlferova (Alfyorova), Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Просмотр коллекции (Дата публикации по убыванию): 261 - 280 из 620