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Title: Разработка агрегатора данных о погоде и прогнозов погоды
Authors: Злобина, Е. В.
Тё, Д. Ю.
Keywords: прогноз погоды; сайты; Интернет; сервисы; программные продукты
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Злобина Е. В. Разработка агрегатора данных о погоде и прогнозов погоды / Е. В. Злобина, Д. Ю. Тё // Информационные технологии в науке, управлении, социальной сфере и медицине : сборник научных трудов II Международной конференции, 19-22 мая 2015 г., Томск. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2015. — [С. 140-142].
Abstract: Nowadays we frequently can't say which clothes weshould wear tomorrow. The problem is that there is no weather forecast service which can provide us exact weather forecast even for tomorrow, needless to say about further future. Main purpose of this work is to design system that will predict which weather forecast service should be used today to know weather for tomorrow. Authors suggest to evaluate forecasting value of temperature relying on statistics. They describe steps which they need to pass to achieve the purpose. As a result authors want to develop software which can provide weather forecast with higher probability than all existing services.
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