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Title: Влияние водорода и кислорода на электропроводность меди
Authors: Ши Кунь
Сюй Шупэн
Ларионов, Виталий Васильевич
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Ларионов, Виталий Васильевич
Keywords: водород; кислород; электропроводность; медь
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Ши Кунь. Влияние водорода и кислорода на электропроводность меди / Ши Кунь, Сюй Шупэн, В. В. Ларионов ; науч. рук. В. В. Ларионов // Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук : сборник научных трудов XII Международной конференция студентов и молодых ученых, г. Томск, 21-24 апреля 2015 г. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2015. — [С. 314-316].
Abstract: Investigated the variation of the electrical DC and eddy current (magnetic spectrometer (ACI)). Copper structure essentially depends on the production method of copper. For example, a composite material consisting of a matrix of copper and copper oxide particles. For the analysis ofcopperuse differentmethods of control. The electrical conductivityissusceptibility parameteron the structure. Measurement of the propertiesof coppereddy currentswhenrestructuringhas advantages. In this work,the conductivity measurementis comparedwith acopper X-raystudies, with its microhardnessdefect densitycalculationswithcopper, whichis madeof oxygenand hydrogen. This provides informationaboutchanges in the structureof coppereddy currentmeasurements.It is shown that the amount of active, reactive component and the phase relationship of the eddy currents greatly depends on the position of grains, pores and other defects, which allows the use of eddy for line control products, used in traditional methods of control hard to reach places. Information about the scattering power of defect scattering mechanism at different depths samples obtained through the use of currents of different frequencies. The values of the eddy currents depends on the amount of copper vacancies high-angle grain boundaries, dislocations, and low-angle and high angle boundaries. Change in the electrical conductivity of copper containing oxygen and hydrogen is compared with its structure. Studiesof X-ray, microhardness, calculate the densityof defects, compared with thechange in the structureof copperon measurementsof eddy currents. All measurementsare comparedby MSA with other methods: optical Olympus GX-71 and REM-125K electronmicroscopes, X-ray(diffractometer Shimadzu XRD-7000S)spectra of GD-Profiler. Highlight specificinfluenceof some elements(N, O, Het al.) Such comparisonsare possible, since the eddy currentpenetration depthis a function offrequency. In this paperare examples of defectsas pores, copper oxidesasinclusionsin thestructure.
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