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Название: Технологии социальной работы с безработными в ОГКУ «Центр занятости населения города Томска
Авторы: Дорофеева, Ксения Александровна
Научный руководитель: Брылина, Ирина Владимировна
Ключевые слова: безработица; безработные граждане; трудоутроенные граждане; политика занятости; центр занятости; профессиональное обучение; unemployment; unemployed citizens; employed citizens; employment policy; employment center; vocational training
Дата публикации: 2016
Библиографическое описание: Дорофеева К. А. Технологии социальной работы с безработными в ОГКУ «Центр занятости населения города Томска : дипломный проект / К. А. Дорофеева ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ), Институт социально-гуманитарных технологий (ИСГТ), Кафедра истории и философии науки и техники (ИФНТ) ; науч. рук. И. В. Брылина. — Томск, 2016.
Аннотация: Essay Final qualifying work 85 p., 15 fig., 2 tabl.,__48___ sources, adj. Keywords: unemployment, unemployed citizens, employed citizens, employment policy, employment center, vocational training. The object of the research is OGKU "Employment Center city population of Tomsk." Subject of research - the technology of social work with unemployed OGKU "Tomsk City Employment Center." Purpose - improving the technologies of social work with the unemployed carried out in OGKU "Center of employment of the city of Tomsk." Solved the following research objectives: - Has characterized the essence of social work with the unemployed and identified associated with the basic concepts of the circle; - Analyzed the main activities aimed at protection of the unemployed; - The basic directions of activity of "Center of employment of the population of the city of Tomsk; - To evaluate the implementation in practice of social technology unemployed OGKU "Center of employment of the population of the city of Tomsk." - Recommendations for improving the technology of social work with unemployed OGKU "Tomsk City Employment Center." We used techniques such as: - Analysis of the literature on the research problem; - Analysis of documents; - A statistical method of research. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the analysis of the implementation of technologies of social work with the unemployed in practice OGKU "employment center city population of Tomsk", allows you to identify ways to improve social work in this institution. The study developed recommendations for improving the technology of social work with unemployed OGKU "Tomsk City Employment Center." Scope: recommendations for improving the technologies of social work with the unemployed can be used in the employment centers of population. Social significance: the use of the recommendations to improve the effectiveness of social work in the employment centers of technology.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/30128
Располагается в коллекциях:Выпускные квалификационные работы (ВКР)

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