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dc.contributor.advisorБульба, Елена Евгеньевнаru
dc.contributor.authorПроцкий, Александр Владимировичru
dc.identifier.citationПроцкий А. В. Реконструкция системы отопления и вентиляции цеха Нижневартовской ГРЭС. : дипломный проект / А. В. Процкий ; Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ), Энергетический институт (ЭНИН), Кафедра теоретической и промышленной теплотехники (ТПТ) ; науч. рук. Е. Е. Бульба. — Томск, 2016.-
dc.description.abstractПроизведен расчёт теплопотерь через ограждающие конструкции. Выбраны системы отопления. Для главного административно - бытового корпуса Нижневартовской ГРЭС выбрана двухтрубная система отопления с верхней разводкой. Для административно - бытового корпуса топливо - транспортного цеха выбрана двухтрубная система отопления с нижней разводкой. Произведен расчёт поверхности нагрева и подбор приборов.ru
dc.description.abstractThe calculation of heat loss through the enclosing structures was made. The selected heating system. For the main administrative and household Nizhnevartovsk GRES building selected two-pipe heating system with upper wiring. For administrative and household buildings fuel - transport shop selected two-pipe heating system with lower wiring. Calculation of the heating surface and selection of devices was made.en
dc.subjectрасчёт теплопотерь через ограждающие конструкцииru
dc.subjectвыбор системы отопленияru
dc.subjectрасчёт поверхности нагрева и подбор приборовru
dc.subjectгидравлический расчёт теплопроводов системы отопленияru
dc.subjectрасчёт вентиляции помещений абкru
dc.subjectтехнико-экономический расчет системы отопленияru
dc.subjectкип и автоматика узла управления системы отопленияru
dc.subjectбезопасность и экологичность проектаru
dc.subjectchoice of heating systemen
dc.subjectcalculation of the heating surface and selection of devicesen
dc.subjecthydraulic calculation of heating lines in the heating systemen
dc.subjecttechnical and economic calculation of the heating systemen
dc.subjectinstrumentation and automation of the heating system conrol uniten
dc.subjectAdministrative - household body of a Nizhnevartovsk state district power station 178862, W. For Administrative - household body fuel - transport of shop 168951, W. Is selected heater systems. For main administratively - household Bodies of a Nizhnevartovsk state district power station a double-tube heater system with upper By distributing. For administrative - household body fuel - transport shop the double-tube heater system with the lower distributing is selected. The calculation of a heating surface and guard ropes of devices is carried out. Were The heating surface for each of puttings both are counted Administratively - household bodies. As heating devices The sectional preheaters of the mark М-140 are selected. The hydraulic calculation of heat pipes of a heater system is executed(made). On the basis of hydraulic calculation the selection of diameter of tubes was carried out Ensuring at an allocated pressure differential in a heater system The miss(passing) of the given consumptions of heat carrier. As a result of hydraulic Calculation have defined(determined) value of pressure losses in each of circulating Rings consisting of series sites(segments). By calculation of ventilating of puttings is administrative - household bodies Have defined(determined) quantity of exhausting and incoming air, and also have made The calculation of air ducts also was selected by(with) vanes of the mark МЦ-4, МЦ-5, ВЦ4-70. In an economical part of activity the calculation of costs, of indispensable, is made For selection both installation of heater systems and ventilating, the general(common) costs of the project have compounded: on heating 281060 roubles, on a wage 204000 Roubles, on теплоснабжение 340267 roubles. In section of BALES and the automatics of a control assembly is reviewed automatic control of a control assembly on directions: 1) Temperature control of heat carrier; 2) Pressure adjustment of heat carrier; 3) Flow control of heat carrier. In section safety and экологичность of the project were reviewed Problems: the analysis of the dangerous and parasitic factors; a noise in working and manufacturing environment; chattering and its(her) influencing on an organism of the man; electromagnetic fields as the unfavorable factor of effect in workrooms; flammability control; an environmental protection; operating of an electric current on an organism of the man, calculation зануления. Thus, the microclimate in the data puttings, that was improved Provides most comfortable conditions for, maintaining, Staff sojourning in them. And also the parameters were improved Realization of a manufacturing process, that, in turn, results to To increase of duration of term of the exploited equipment, Buildings and economies of materials.en
dc.titleРеконструкция системы отопления и вентиляции цеха Нижневартовской ГРЭС.ru
dc.typeStudents work-
local.departmentНациональный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ)::Энергетический институт (ЭНИН)::Кафедра теоретической и промышленной теплотехники (ТПТ)-
local.localtypeСтуденческая работа-
local.thesis.disciplineТеплоэнергетика и теплотехника-
dc.subject.udc[697.1 697.9]-048.37:622.311.21(571.122)-
Располагается в коллекциях:Выпускные квалификационные работы (ВКР)

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