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Title: Эффект финансового рычага как показатель целесообразности привлечения заемных средств нефтегазовыми компаниями
Other Titles: Leverage effect as an indicator of borrowing feasibility oil and gas companies
Authors: Карякина, А. Н.
Романюк, Вера Борисовна
Вершкова, Елена Михайловна
Keywords: электронные ресурсы; нефть; экономическая эффективность; оптимизация; нефтегазовые компании; финансовые рычаги
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Изд-во ТПУ
Citation: Карякина А. Н. Эффект финансового рычага как показатель целесообразности привлечения заемных средств нефтегазовыми компаниями / А. Н. Карякина, В. Б. Романюк, Е. М. Вершкова // Информационные технологии в науке, управлении, социальной сфере и медицине : сборник научных трудов III Международной научной конференции, 23-26 мая 2016 г., Томск : в 2 ч. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2016. — Ч. 2. — [С. 671-674].
Abstract: The aim of this study is the analysis and evaluation of ratio between equity and debt capital of organizations, which provide the optimal proportion between the level of return on equity and the level of financial stability. The purpose of the financial policy of any organization is to maximize the return on equity, cost of capital growth and to minimize the weighted average cost of capital. The object of research is OJSC "Surgutneftegaz". The company is one of the largest companies in the Russian oil sector. On the basis of the forms of financial reporting we made the calculation of following indicators: economic profitability, financial leverage effect. The study made the forecast calculation in the three scenarios of development of enterprises under different conditions of capital financing from own and borrowed sources of financing. The use of financial leverage indicator to determine the feasibility of borrowing effect clearly demonstrated the need for adjustment of the financial policy of OJSC "Surgutneftegas". Recommendations to improve the credit policy of the organization were made.
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