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Title: Socialization of economy in the conditions of continuous wellbeing’s innovative model
Authors: Zhavoronok, Anastasiya Valerievna
Gasanov, Magerram Ali Ogly
Zhironkin, Sergey Aleksandrovich
Keywords: социализация; экономика; благополучие; инновационные модели; человеческий капитал; инновационная экономика
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Zhavoronok A. V. Socialization of economy in the conditions of continuous wellbeing’s innovative model / A. V. Zhavoronok, M. A. Gasanov, S. A. Zhironkin // SHS Web of Conferences. — Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2016. — Vol. 28 : Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences (RPTSS 2015) : International Conference, December 15-17, 2015, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01144, 5 p.].
Abstract: Socialization of economy is connected with a basic change of the person’s position in production and her or his wellbeing in society. Radical activation of the human capital appears in creative participation of the worker in production and promotes growth of continuous wellbeing and fully reveals its intellectual, moral, creative qualities. In this case the reproduction of the worker appears as all-round development of the personality; as expanded reproduction expressed in equipment by her or his knowledge, growth of her or his creative abilities and increase of moral. The solution of the technological freedom’s problem of the worker from a status of an appendage of an extensively developed machine device consists in a deep quality leap in development of productive forces on the basis of achievements of scientific and technical progress and formation of a new model of economic wellbeing of the person. There is an approach to the analysis of technologies socialization in innovative economy in the process of work, in which the person and the equipment are in indissoluble functional unity. This approach allows investigating regularities of development of technologies together with the content of work, which is qualitatively transformed and obtains key characteristics, such as humanization, serviceability and socialization.
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