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Title: Визуализация движения транспорта в городских условиях
Authors: Хомеченко, М. Е.
Исунц, Д. Д.
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Наламвар, Хитеш Санжай
Keywords: электронные ресурсы; моделирование; визуализация; Unity; транспортный поток; городская окружающая среда
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Хомеченко М. Е. Визуализация движения транспорта в городских условиях / М. Е. Хомеченко, Д. Д. Исунц ; науч. рук. Х. С. Наламвар // Технологии Microsoft в теории и практике программирования : сборник трудов XIII Всероссийской научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, г.Томск, 22-23 марта 2016 г. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2016. — [С. 140-142].
Abstract: The accruing automobilization in the whole world require system measures directed on maximization its advantages to minimize negative consequences. Modeling and visualization of traffic streams are necessary for the engineering analysis and the statement of the most effective engineering decision. The main aim of our work is development of actions for improvement of traffic organization. The main parameters that characterize the traffic stream are its strength density and speed of vehicles. Transport and urban environment visualization and various feature manipulation in computer program should allow reduce traffic load and increase its capacity. As the result of our first step, application of visualization of random urban terrain using Unity 3D has been developed. Within this work, we considered practical complementation in development platform Unity 3D to make the map, on which the vehicles will drive.
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