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Название: State Youth Policy as Factor of Youth Welfare
Авторы: Rudneva, Elena
Chaykovsky, Denis Vitoldovich
Ключевые слова: молодежная политика; молодежь; благополучие; оценка эффективности; критерии; благосостояние
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: Future Academy
Библиографическое описание: Rudneva E. State Youth Policy as Factor of Youth Welfare / E. Rudneva, D. V. Chaykovskiy // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2016. — Vol. 7 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2015) : II International Scientific Symposium, 18-22 May 2015, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 210-214].
Аннотация: This study demonstrates an attempt to build up the system of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the youth policy implementation in education institutions and special organs. The assessing is underpinned by several criteria. These criteria are: criterion of matching priorities of youth policy expectations and the young people needs, criterion of consistency of priorities in forming and implementing national and regional youth policy, criterion of consistency work of various regional and local organizations and social institutions, criterion for mental and physical health of young people, criterion of the general level of development of social activity of youth, the level of youth`s crime.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/33310
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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