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Title: Conjugate Heat Transfer During Viscous Incompressible Liquid Movement in the Cavity Considering its Cooling Through Outer Boundary
Authors: Krainov, Aleksander Valerievich
Arhipov, V. A.
Keywords: теплопередача; жидкости; численное моделирование; теплоперенос; гидродинамический режим; вязкие жидкости; гидродинамика
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Krainov A. V. Conjugate Heat Transfer During Viscous Incompressible Liquid Movement in the Cavity Considering its Cooling Through Outer Boundary / A. V. Krainov, V. A. Arhipov // European Physical Journal Web of Conferences (EPJ Web of Conferences). — 2016. — Vol. 110 : Thermophysical Basis of Energy Technologies : Proceedings of the Conference, October 13-15, 2015, Tomsk, Russia. — [01030, 6 p.].
Abstract: The paper presents the numerical simulations of the motion of a viscous incompressible non-isothermal fluid in an open rectangular cavity under conditions of conjugate heat transfer. The hydrodynamic flow pattern of a viscous fluid in the cavity obtained. The temperature profiles for the two phases - solid and liquid obtained. The influence of model parameters on the nature of motion and heat transfer conditions studied. Shows the effect of external cooling from the lateral surface on hydrodynamics and heat transfer of liquid in the cavity.
Appears in Collections:Материалы конференций

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