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Title: Thermophysical Reactivity Control of RBMK-1000
Authors: Vorobiev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Antonova, Aleksandra Mikhailovna
Vinogradov, Maksim
Keywords: РБМК-1000; теплофизические характеристики; замедлители; графитовые реакторы
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Vorobiev A. V. Thermophysical Reactivity Control of RBMK-1000 / A. V. Vorobiev, A. M. Antonova, M. P. Vinogradov // European Physical Journal Web of Conferences (EPJ Web of Conferences). — 2016. — Vol. 110 : Thermophysical Basis of Energy Technologies : Proceedings of the Conference, October 13-15, 2015, Tomsk, Russia. — [01053, 4 p.].
Abstract: In this paper, viewed thermophysical characteristics of the moderator water graphite reactor RBMK. Indicated possibilities of controlling thermal state of graphite stack by regulation composition of the purge gas. Presents experimental results, but static thermal state characteristics of graphite moderator RBMK-1000. Developed a software code for integral characteristic engineering calculations, that determine value of margin reactivity reactor RBMK-1000, in the slow transients.
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