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Title: Teaching Disciplines "History of Russia" and "Country Studies" to Foreign Students: Problems and Solutions
Authors: Voytovich, Aleksey Viktorovich
Shvagrukova, Ekaterina Vasilevna
Chan Din Tan Sy
Keywords: учебные дисциплины; иностранные студенты; трудности; обучение; история России; страноведение
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Voytovich A. V. Teaching Disciplines "History of Russia" and "Country Studies" to Foreign Students: Problems and Solutions / A. V. Voytovich, E. V. Shvagrukova, Chan Din Tan Sy // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. — 2015. — Vol. 215 : International Education and Cross-Cultural Communication, Problems and Solutions, (IECC 2015) : International Conference, 9-11 June 2015, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [P. 231-235].
Abstract: The present paper is focused on the problem of teaching foreign students such disciplines as "Country studies" and "History of Russia", which appear to be compulsory for the international students, getting higher education in Russia. Studying these disciplines, students meet some difficulties due to various reasons, beginning with poor knowledge of Russian language and ending with ethical problems. A lecturer needs to cross this socio-cultural and linguistic barrier and find solutions in order to give the full information in accordance with the educational working program. The research has an applied character. It is based on the sociological survey conducted among the foreign students of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate real difficulties of students and lecturers at studying and teaching disciplines "Country studies" and "History of Russia" and to offer solutions for overcoming these problems.
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