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Title: The Influence of Modes of Deposition of Coatings on the Corrosion Resistance of Welded Joints of Steels in Acidic Media
Authors: Saraev, Yu. N.
Bezborodov, Valery Pavlovich
Selivanov, Y. V.
Keywords: нанесение покрытий; коррозионная стойкость; сварные соединения; стали; кислые среды
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Saraev Yu. N. The Influence of Modes of Deposition of Coatings on the Corrosion Resistance of Welded Joints of Steels in Acidic Media / Yu. N. Saraev, V. P. Bezborodov, Y. V. Selivanov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 142 : Innovative Technologies in Engineering : VII International Scientific Practical Conference, 19–21 May 2016, Yurga, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [012024, 7 p.].
Abstract: In this work, effect of welding on corrosion of welded joints of austenitic steel 12KH18N10T. It is shown that the use of pulsed - arc welding steel 12KH18N10T allows you to create a protective coating with dispersed structure with less thermal impact on the zone of the welded joint. Coating is of such structure allows 1.5 to 6 times to reduce the corrosion rate of welded joints of steel 12KH18N10T in active chemical environments. Pulse the process of deposition of coatings on welded joint of steels can be effectively used for the protection against corrosion in the repair of equipment of chemical industry. The results obtained can be recommended for use when welding a protective corrosion - resistant coatings on working surfaces of equipment of chemical productions.
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