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Title: REE, Uranium (U) and Thorium (Th) contents in Betula pendula leaf growing around Komsomolsk gold concentration plant tailing (Kemerovo region, Western Siberia, Russia)
Authors: Yusupov, Dmitry Valerievich
Karpenko, Yu. A.
Keywords: уран; торий; листья; хвостохранилища; техногенные ландшафты; горные районы; биомониторинг
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Yusupov D. V. REE, Uranium (U) and Thorium (Th) contents in Betula pendula leaf growing around Komsomolsk gold concentration plant tailing (Kemerovo region, Western Siberia, Russia) / D. V. Yusupov, Yu. A. Karpenko // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2016. — Vol. 43 : Problems of Geology and Subsurface Development : XX International Scientific Symposium of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists, 4–8 April 2016, Tomsk, Russia. — [012053, 6 p.].
Abstract: The article deals with the research findings of peculiarities of REE, Uranium and Thorium distribution in the territory surrounding the tailing of former Komsomolsk gold concentration plant according to the data from Betula pendula leaf testing. In the leaf element composition the slight deficiency of MREE and substantial excess of HREE are presented. In the nearest impacted area around the tailing, La, Yb, U and Th content, and Th/U ratio are lower than in the distant buffer area. It is shown, that value of Th/U ratio and REE can be an indicator for geochemical transformations of technogenic landscapes in mining districts. The results of the research can be used for biomonitoring of the territory around the tailing.
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