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Title: Environmental Payments and their Role in Environmental Management
Authors: Khaperskaya, Alena Vasilievna
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; the system of social policy; socio-economic development; tools of social responsibility; sustainable development; social development programs; the Strategy of Corporations; социальная ответственность; корпоративная ответственность; социальная политика; социально-экономическое развитие; устойчивое развитие; корпорации
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Khaperskaya, Alena Vasilievna. Environmental Payments and their Role in Environmental Management [Electronic resource] / A. V. Khaperskaya // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences . — 2015 . — Vol. 166 : Proceedings of The International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014 (RPTSS-2014), 16–18 October 2014, Tomsk, Russia . — [P. 222-226] .
Abstract: The relevance of creating the effective mechanism of the interaction of enterprises and the authorities is shown in this article. The mechanism includes the mutual contact between industrial corporations and authorities which is directed at solution of the environmental problems. The way of using of environmental payments was analyzed and it allows determining features and the main disadvantages of effective mechanism and making a conclusion of the necessity of changes in the system of environmental management. One of the functions of economic mechanism, which is of incentive nature and which stimulates the concern of both industrial corporations that exert negative influence on the environment, and ecological legislation, is emphasized and analyzed in this article. The role and place of the system of economic opportunities in the stimulating of environmental management are determined in this article. It should be noted, that the environmental payments were described as an instrument of the increasing of the effective use of natural resources. In addition, the necessity of improving this instrument has been substantiated by the development of economic and organization arrangements. Therefore, we will have an opportunity to achieve specific results in solution of problems of the environmental management.
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