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Title: Harnessing the capabilities of spray granulation in the food industry for the production of functional foods
Authors: Tikhonova, I. N.
Popov, A. M.
Tikhonov, Nikolai Victorovich
Tikhonov, Viktor Vladimirovich
Keywords: agglomeration; whey; waste food; агломерация; сыворотки; отходы; пищевая промышленность; продукты питания
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Harnessing the capabilities of spray granulation in the food industry for the production of functional foods [Electronic resource] / I. N. Tikhonova [at al.] // Procedia Chemistry . — 2014 . — Vol. 10 : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century . — [P. 419-423] .
Abstract: The article is the literature review of a current state of production technologies of powdery foodstuff, concentrates and multicomponent mixes. The need of the food industry for qualitative methods of processing of raw materials of different physical and chemical structure is noted. The authors give the reasons about need and possibility of a choice of granulation as a method of data processing of products. Physical and chemical features of granulation methods of disperse environments of various aggregate states based on the studied regularities and works of other authors are considered. The authors made the assumption of the application prospects of the method of liquid dispersion on the surface of particles in a suspended state for a granulation of foodstuff and they offered the alternative option. The possibility to use whey as binding element is considered. At the end of article authors draw the conclusion about the prospects of use of a method of dispersion of liquid on the surface of particles in a suspended state for a granulation of foodstuff.
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