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Title: The Use of Stripping Voltammetry for Lead Determination during Toxic Chemicals Detoxication by an Electrochemical Method
Authors: Volgina, Tatiana Nikolaevna
Katyukhin (Katyuhin), Vladimir Evgenievich
Keywords: инверсионная вольтамперометрия; свинец; токсичные вещества; детоксикация; электрохимические методы; вольтамперометрия; органические загрязнители; органические вещества; токсиканты; stripping voltammetry; determination of lead; electrolyte; deposition time; deposition potential; detoxication; oxidation of phenol
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: The Use of Stripping Voltammetry for Lead Determination during Toxic Chemicals Detoxication by an Electrochemical Method [Electronic resource] / T. N. Volgina, V. E. Katyukhin (Katyuhin) // Procedia Chemistry . — 2014 . — Vol. 10 : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century . — [P. 43-46] .
Abstract: The paper describes the results of stripping voltammetry usage to control concentration of lead ion which are formed during electrochemical detoxication of organic pollutants. Optimal conditions for the analysis of Pb{2+} were selected, i.e. 0.05 N KOH is an electrolyte, the deposition potential (-0.55) V, deposition time of 4 minutes, the amount of analyzed sample was 0.1 ml. The presence of organic matter does not affect the quantitative determination of lead ions. The developed method allows us to estimate the concentration of Pb{2+} in the amount of electrolyte at disposal of toxicants quickly and with a high degree of sensitivity.
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