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Title: Assessment of Phase Composition of Electrolytic Deposits by Stripping Voltammetry
Authors: Kolpakova, Nina Alexandrovna
Nesterov, Anton Aleksandrovich
Keywords: инверсионная вольтамперометрия; интерметаллиды; родий; ртуть; индий; фазовый состав; электролитические осадки; stripping voltammetry; intermetallic compound; rhodium; mercury; indium; binary precipitate
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Kolpakova, Nina Alexandrovna. Assessment of Phase Composition of Electrolytic Deposits by Stripping Voltammetry [Electronic resource] / N. A. Kolpakova, A. A. Nesterov // Procedia Chemistry . — 2014 . — Vol. 10 : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century . — [P. 92-96] .
Abstract: This paper describes the method of assessing the composition of the intermetallic compounds in nanoscale electrolytic deposits. The formula was developed for calculating the deflection potential in the case of selective electrooxidation electronegative component of the alloy composition. The processes of electro binary electrolytic precipitation in mercury-rhodium chloride electrolyte by anodic stripping voltammetry were studied. It was established that an electrolytic precipitate contains rhodium, mercury and rhodium IC with mercury composition Hg[5]Rh.
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