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Название: Features of the microstructure development under conditions, reproducing the process of friction stir welding. Molecular-dynamics study
Авторы: Nikonov, Anton
Dmitriev, Andrey
Kolubaev, Evgeny Aleksandrovich
Panin, Sergey Viktorovich
Berto, F.
Rubtsov, Valery Evgenjevich
Ключевые слова: микроструктуры; сварка трением; молекулярно-динамические исследования; ротационная сварка; пластические деформации
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: AIP Publishing
Библиографическое описание: Features of the microstructure development under conditions, reproducing the process of friction stir welding. Molecular-dynamics study / A. Yu. Nikonov [et al.] // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2014. — Vol. 1623 : International Conference on Physical Mesomechanics of Multilevel Systems 2014, Tomsk, Russia, 3–5 September 2014 : [proceedings]. — [P. 439-442].
Аннотация: Friction stir welding is a recently developed technology which is used in various branches of modern engineering. The basis of this technology is the friction of the rotating cylindrical or specially shaped tool between two metal plates brought together either to meet their ends of one above another with the overlap. When applying the FSW process in various economical sectors, the important task is to study the mechanisms and identify the physical laws and factors leading to formation of structural inhomogeneities and discontinuities in the weld seam. This paper analyzes the basic mechanisms behind the structural state generation in the material subjected to severe plastic deformation and heating. To investigate the atomic mechanisms of structural changes in FSW, the modeling at atomic scale has been carried out. Results of work can be a basis for new knowledge about the microstructure evolution in FSW.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/35734
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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