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Title: Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy: the European experience
Authors: Ogunlana Ayodele Oludare
Goryunova, Nataliya Nikolaevna
Keywords: тaxes incentives; production tax credit; investment tax credit; VAT; renewable energy; налоги; инвестиционные кредиты; НДС; возобновляемая энергия; налоговые льготы; возобновляемые источники энергии; европейский опыт
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Ogunlana Ayodele Oludare. Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy: the European experience / Ogunlana Ayodele Oludare, N. N. Goryunova // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2017. — Vol. 19 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2016) : III International Scientific Symposium, 11-16 September 2016, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 507-513].
Abstract: Most countries in Europe have started using renewable energy source for electricity over decades now even though it's not investment friendly. That is why most countries have introduced different types of measures or mechanism to support investors and household consumer who are interested in using these polluted free renewable energy source. Recently, Russia was among the countries that signed the Paris Agreement contract and are hoping to execute their part in reducing the emissions greenhouse gas in the country even though Russians are oil producing country and most of the energy come from this. The article analyzes the mechanisms of tax incentives for renewable energy and energy efficiency currently used in European countries. Also the possibilities of investing in in research studies pertaining to energy. The article also analyse the reason for stimulating demand for electricity companies for energy-efficient equipment. Conclusions were made about disseminating their experience for effectiveness and ability for adaption in Russia.
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