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Title: Cognitive Capital and its Profitability
Authors: Rozhdestvenskaya, Elena Mikhailovna
Keywords: cognitive capital; knowledge economy; return on capital; экономика знаний; рентабельность; капитал; когнитивный капитал
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Rozhdestvenskaya E. M. Cognitive Capital and its Profitability / E. M. Rozhdestvenskaya // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2017. — Vol. 19 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2016) : III International Scientific Symposium, 11-16 September 2016, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 613-616].
Abstract: Transformation of competition in cognitive capitalism makes the creation and increment values on the basis of intangible assets - knowledge, developments and ideas. The knowledge economy is becoming a significant resource of scientific and technical knowledge, which is made on the basis of a new form of capital - cognitive capital. Due to lack of development of a new type of economic system, formalization remains low. The concept of cognitive capitalism recognizes the predominant form of accumulation by misappropriation and exploitation of knowledge. The article analyzes the current economic processes in terms of the transition to a knowledge-based economy. At the article is been made the attempt of the scientific definition of cognitive capital. Have done an example of return on cognitive capital. The cognitive component of the national capital identifies monopolistic competition, that is competition for new ideas it promotes the search for new combinations, new applications, new knowledge, which reduces the overall price level. Of course, initially these new developments costs are included in the price structure, and initial development can be costly enough, but as the general price level is reduced scale. That is, this new application is possible more resource-saving, it allows you to receive the overall economy and thus contribute to lower prices.
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