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Title: Non-destructive X-Ray testing of complex mechanisms and devices
Authors: Ozdiev, Ali Hosenovich
Kryuchkov, Yuri Yurievich
Hans-Michael Kroning
Keywords: неразрушающий контроль; рентгеновские лучи; сложные механизмы; сложные устройства; рентгеновская томография; дефекты; томографическое сканирование; космические системы; технологические процессы
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Ozdiev A. H. Non-destructive X-Ray testing of complex mechanisms and devices / A. H. Ozdiev, Yu.Yu. Kryuchkov, Hans-Michael Kroning // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2017. — Vol. 102 : Space Engineering : V International Forum for Young Scientists, April 18-20, 2017, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01029, 3 p.].
Abstract: X-ray tomography becomes a wide-spread non-destructive testing method. Flexibility of the reconstruction algorithms makes possible to apply 3D tomographic analysis to complex mechanisms and systems and detect defects of different types. For instance, this opportunity allows to solve geometrical problem, when the size of the investigating sample exceeding dimensions of the setup. This paper proposes to use non-standard geometry of tomographic scanning and backprojection algorithm optimized for this case to solve previously mentioned problem. Producing and assembling of complex space systems and mechanics requires the testing procedure at each step of the technological process: for separate parts of mechanism as well as for assembled system or device. Presented approach prospectively fits for this task.
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