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Title: General topologic environment of the Russian railway network
Authors: Tikhomirov, A.
Rossodivita, A.
Kinash, N.
Trufanov, A.
Berestneva, Olga Grigorievna
Keywords: общая топология; железнодорожные сети; железные дороги; железнодорожные станции; транспортные сети; информационные модели
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: General topologic environment of the Russian railway network / A. Tikhomirov [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 803 : Information Technologies in Business and Industry (ITBI2016) : International Conference, 21–26 September 2016, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [012165, 6 p.].
Abstract: Basic structural properties of Russian railways are explored through the complex network scope. We imply ontology where railway stations portray nodes, while links are represented by trains plying among stations. The information L- network model founded on route is built and its topology is compared with Indian and Pakistan analogues. The network model demonstrates small world properties and its assortative nature. Structural vulnerability is assessed for random attacks, and those on degree and strength targets. Taking into account series of the node centralities, the most important sites are identified as those that could help in clarifying the sensitive points in the network. These sites should be in the focus of pre-protection and post hazard recovery. Also, a P-model is touched and an S- and H- model idea is proposed for further analysis of transportation networks.
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