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dc.contributor.authorMuravyev, Dmitryen
dc.contributor.authorLukutin, Boris Vladimirovichen
dc.identifier.citationMuravyev D. I. Mathematical model of the standalone electrical supply system with distributed photoelectric generation / D. I. Muravyev, B. V. Lukutin // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2017. — Vol. 110 : Heat and Mass Transfer in the Thermal Control System of Technical and Technological Energy Equipment (HMTTSC 2017) : International Youth Scientific Conference, April 26-28, 2017, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01052, 3 p.].ru
dc.description.abstractA promising way to increase the technical and economic characteristics of standalone power supply systems is to incorporate renewable energy installations in their structure. Photoelectric generators based on distributed sources are optimal technologies for the use of renewable energy sources in 0.4 kV low-voltage power grid. The most common option is a hybrid system with photoelectric power stations (PES) incorporated into the local network of the diesel power station (DPS). Photoelectric stations meet all environmental requirements and can make a significant contribution to the electrification of remote settlements, tourist and agricultural field. This paper deals with stabilization of voltage value and reduction of losses of electric energy depending on the parameters of elements of power supply systems of radial type (0,4 kV) with an installed capacity of up to 100 kW. The research has been conducted by simulating the operating modes of hybrid power systems of various configurations. To analyze the joint work of a photoelectric station with a diesel power station, a mathematical model is created in the Simulink (SimPowerSystems) application of the MatLab R2016b program. Most of the known works do not show the issues of quality and power losses in the standalone power supply system with photoelectric distributed generation.en
dc.publisherEDP Sciencesru
dc.relation.ispartofMATEC Web of Conferences. Vol. 110 : Heat and Mass Transfer in the Thermal Control System of Technical and Technological Energy Equipment (HMTTSC 2017). — Les Ulis, 2017.ru
dc.subjectматематические моделиru
dc.subjectавтономные системыru
dc.subjectвозобновляемая энергияru
dc.subjectфотоэлектрические генераторыru
dc.subjectвозобновляемые источники энергииru
dc.subjectфотоэлектрические станцииru
dc.subjectэлектрическая энергияru
dc.subjectдизельные электростанцииru
dc.titleMathematical model of the standalone electrical supply system with distributed photoelectric generationen
dc.typeConference Paperen
local.departmentНациональный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ)::Энергетический институт (ЭНИН)::Кафедра электроснабжения промышленных предприятий (ЭПП)ru
local.conference.nameHeat and Mass Transfer in the Thermal Control System of Technical and Technological Energy Equipment-
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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