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Title: Biomechanical control-based locomotor function rehabilitation technology for children with cerebral palsy
Authors: Davletjyarova, Kseniya Valentinovna
Kapilevich, Leonid Vladimirovich
Korshunov, Sergey Dimitrievich
Ovchinnikova, N. A.
Keywords: children; health; people with special needs; cerebral palsy; biomechanics; computer tensodynamography; rheovasography; дети с ограниченными возможностями; заболевания; биомеханика; реабилитация
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Biomechanical control-based locomotor function rehabilitation technology for children with cerebral palsy / K. V. Davletjyarova [et al.] // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2017. — Vol. 26 : Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI 2016) : International Conference, 07-10 November 2016, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 183-191].
Abstract: Locomotor functions of children with special needs by the example of infantile cerebral palsy have been studied. The interaction with the support of children with special needs has been examined. It has been proved that during the jump of children of the main group there was an increase in pressure on the support relatively the lateral direction during the repulsion phase, they required more time to perform the initial phase of the jump due to the involvement of additional compensatory mechanisms to ensure the stability when landing. Thus, special attention should be given to the improvement of their coordination abilities and removal of muscle hypertonus. During physical exercises, it is recommended to focus on stretching and to enhance power quality of lower extremities. This approach will improve their motor adaptation. Moreover, the regional hemodynamics reaction to locomotor load among children with special needs has been assessed. It has been shown that children of the main group have a specific functional reserve of regional blood flow in proximal lower extremities. After locomotor load in the main group, there was an increase of pulse blood filling and blood flow velocity in hips, whereas the vegetative maintenance of distal extremities was decreased, which caused venous outflow. It enables us to recommend loading of hip muscles and unloading of shin muscles while forming locomotion adaptive stereotypes.
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